This page collates some technical sources of information on capsule pipelines. These may be useful for people that want to examine engineering aspects of capsule pipelines, although currently it lacks detailed technical content, which tends not to be freely published.
Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline Basic Concept, Practical Considerations, and Current Research
Non-technical summary of current capsule pipeline technology and research, by Henry Liu, originally presented at Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium, 2000.
Facts about Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (FAQ)
Henry Liu's FAQ is a good starting point for understanding PCP systems. About PCP.html [cached text]
Facts about Coal Log Pipeline (FAQ)
An introduction to CLP. about CLP.html [cached text]
Coal Log Pipeline System Description
The underlying mechanics of a CLP system.
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Capsule Pipeline Transport using an Electromagnetic Drive
The latest full description and cost model for Magplane's prototype electro-magnetic capsule pipeline system. [cached text]
Electromagnetic Pipeline Transport Systems for the Phosphate Industry
A full description and cost model for Magplane's prototype electro-magnetic capsule pipeline system. This is an earlier version of the document above.
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The Technical and Economic Feasibility of a freight pipeline system in Texas
Contains detailed evaluation of freight pipelines including design and aerodynamic considerations. Several reports available.
Characteristics of a Freight Pipeline Transportation System
A summary of the basic characteristics of a freight pipeline system powered by linear electric motors. [cached text]
A Comparison of Overland Conveying Systems
Detailed cost comparison of common means of transporting minerals, by I. Zandi.
Other PCP Papers
Those interested in technical aspects of PCPs, may try to find the following:
- Verlag, D., (c1970), 'Rohrpostanlagen' - describes German advances in large and small diameter systems in the late 1960s, a 'state of the art' prior to the development of PCPs using booster pumps; almost impossible to find. (Also attributed to Richard Kirchheim.)
- Carstens, M., (1970), 'Analysis of a low-speed capsule-transport pipeline', presented at Hydrotransport 1, 1-4 September 1970, University of Warwick - the first technical paper for PCPs using booster pumps.
- Round, G., Marcu, M., (1987), 'Pneumocapsule pipelines: potential for North America', Journal of Pipelines, 6, 221-238, Elsevier - probably the best detailed work, drawing on the research into PCPs that followed in the wake of Carstens.
- Liu, H. (2003), Pipeline Engineering, CRC Press.