View Full Version : Who's playing with 1.05? - First impressions, please!
I have also noticed that as Sicily, I can recruit Feudal Knights practically everywhere as long as I have the military buildings in place.
as muslim emirate of Sicily? or as christian kingdom of Sicily?
29-01-2007, 15:10
I played as Sicily on normal last night too, and had my butt kicked. I couldn't hold off Byzantine and Ziad(sp?) as they were on the top and bottom of me, they both started off at war with me and despite a couple alliances(I think they weren't really helping out that much) I was overwhelmed.
As christian(Catholic) kingdom of Sicily. :go:
I converted to Catholic after taking 5 provinces from Italy! Italy was my first target!
At start of conquest of Italy I was working primarily with peasants and archers, then as I went along swordsmen.
But soon had a wide array of troops available!
29-01-2007, 17:27
First I thought sunflower will not update KOH.
but they did it at last !!
I can't believe! I found no other company like sun!
let's hold sunflower!!!!!!
29-01-2007, 17:40
the honor should definitely go to BSS
29-01-2007, 18:27
Yes, thanks BSS!!! Now tell me what your next game is so I can plan on buying it :go: Besides working on KOH 2 of course :wink:
Hi all.
I've been waiting for almost two years for the patch. I *love* KoH but it's just severely lacking when it comes to a challenge. I was so excited when I found out about the new patch, just like everyone else was.
However, I have a few questions... And don't get me wrong, I am truly grateful for this shows concern amongst BSS for the fans. Again, big kudos to BSS!
But I'm kind of confused from most peoples' reactions on the forums. Most of you claim that it has changed the gameplay and made it more difficult and all. I don't see how this has happened? I've tried three different games already (as Leon, Georgia, and Sicily, respectively), and I must say it is still quite easy to become a giant, thriving nation. All I do in the beginning is hire two marshalls, raise full armies of archers and peasants, and double team with them. As long as I hire about 3 merchants, and eventually another marshall, I am unstoppable. The computer rarely (if ever) counters a double marshall attack with another double marshall attack. In fact, most of the time when I attack someone they are on the defensive, even if they are 4 times my nation's size.
I'm just curious as to if maybe you guys are tweaking or modding to make it more of a challenge? Because I'm still not really getting much of a challenge. Thanks again for the patch, BSS! I hope I can get some help on this from one of you kind souls.
And yes, I play on hard.
It could be the random start conditions you are getting! My first game with Sicily, I got my *** kicked and went down in defeat, but the very next game I selected Sicily again and it went a bit easier. I had some buildings already on the second start and I didn't on the first.
That's really strange. Have you installed the patch correctly?
Have you noticed any change?
Definitely you should notice completely diferent financial system.
I'm unable even to plunder an enemy province as the AI almost instantly attacks my plundering knight. And I need that money because eventhough I have 3 merchants, my income is still under 60 gold (with a smaller kingdom)
29-01-2007, 21:24
And i am still (2 more hours into my game with Switzerland...makes a total of 5 hours) stuck with a single province...even single Marshal has been taken prisonner while attempting to take an enemy's castle....:scratch:
29-01-2007, 22:25
I lost 3 consecutive games. I am now finnally doing well after working very hard to get some allied marriages and now I am attacking the Cordobans because they are weak. I took Lisbon with some hard fought battles, but I had 3 armies to their 1. I hope to get Cordoba next.
30-01-2007, 07:53
AH...i finally invaded eh... have 2 provinces now and just failed a new invasion...
Still...not sure how well i'll be able to do: far west there's England with 15 provinces and far east there's Byzantia with 25 provinces :eek:
30-01-2007, 08:56
Finally 1.5 patch is here!!
Just install the old KOH back on track.
Share some secret with you all. ***New patch no cd required*** :hello: :hello: :hello:
30-01-2007, 09:03
Thats true-in spite of the patch instruction to insert CD2. Im playing 1.05 with no CD, too.
I played for 2 hours last night, and it was the most enjoyable time I have had since playing the game.
I'm Burgundy, on Hard in High period, version 1.05.
When I started last night, I had quite a big kingdom, owning all modern France except Normandy and Champagne (held by the French), and controlled Navarre, Lombardy, Salzburg and Tyrolia.
Castilla controlled the Spanish penninsula, whilst to the north, the Palitinate held 3 provinces, Greula (?) held modern day Belgium, Germany was down to 2 provinces, with Naples controlling the lands to my immediate east. In the British Isles, Scotland controlled Ireland as well as Scotland, and England held the rest. Sweden was huge, sandwiching Bradenburg holding 3 provinces north of Germany.
So the scene is set.
At this stage I was going quite well, 2 5-star merchants (over 500 income per click), 6 kingdom advantages, and 3 marshalls - 2 full armies with siege equipment, and 1 rapid reaction force of all feudal knights. I also had 1 5-star spy, who I had just infiltrated the Palitinate as a Marshall.
This is when everything went pear-shaped!
I attempted to make all the Palatinate armies rebel, and this worked successfully, but as my spy was coming home, he was caught - and this caused a drop in my relations with them. France, then my vassal, offered me Normandy to attack Palatinate, and I accepted.
My cleric was then elected Pope, and I tried to use the excommunicate option on the Palatinate. This back-fired, and resulted in me getting excomminucated, with a King who had just ascended to the throne!
Immediately, Castilla, England, Scotland, Greula, Papacy, Brandenburg, Sweden, Bohemia and Cyprus declared war on me.
3 Palatinate armies descended into Alsace - complete with seige equipment, and laid waste to my villages and monestary. Meanwhile, I could see 3 Scottish ships bound for Bretagne, as well as 2 English ships. Rebels appeared in Normandy, and the Papacy had sent 2 armies, mainly cavalry, into Tuscany.
I managed to turn back the Palatinate thrust with my 2 main armies, and promoted my crown-prince to marshall in Aquitaine to fend off the coming Castilla attack - 3 full armies had just entered Navarre! I sent my cavalry army to assist, so I had two groups of 2 marshalls each, one in the North, and the other in the south-west.
Then the Scots landed - all armies descended on Bretagne, which fell quite quickly, as I had only the chance to build a pallisade. The English hit Normandy, taking the province, whilst Greula had sent 2 armies into Orleans, beseiging the castle. I lost Navarre to Castilla - my troops could not arrive in time. I left my new marshall in Aquitaine as defence, and moved my cavalry army to Tuscany to help lift the seige by the Papacy.
The Scots then moved quickly, along with the English to Anjou. I fought 5 armies with my two main forces that had rushed from Alsace - I won 4 battles and lost one, but wiped out the Scots, and sent the English into retreat back into Bretagne. Greula had meanwhile laid waste to all of Orleans and their seige captured the city. I lost 2 kingdom advantages as my income had dropped substantially - England up to this point had been my major trading partner.
So I'd lost Bretagne, Orleans, Navarre and Normandy. My main armies restocked in Anjou, and retook Orleans with some effort. I also managed to turn back the Papacy, destroying their forces mid-seige, so my southern flank looked secure. Then Sweden attacked - 4 armies - fully stocked landed at Normandy, all bearing down on Orleans. I moved all my forces to meet the new threat, which left Aquitaine open to attack, and was taken by Castilla.
After a half-hour of battles and fortified camp attacks Sweden was sent back north with their tails between their legs. Then the Pope - my former cleric, accepted me back into the church when my king died.
I immediately made peace with Scots, Sweden, England, Greula, Palatinate and Bohemia. Cyprus didn't want to stop, but that didn't bother me as all they held was their island. I refused to sign peace with Castilla.
It was all too much at this stage, so I went to bed. Tomorrow, I'm going to take back all my lost land, and crush Castilla for their sneaky attacks.
The AI is brilliant - well done BSS!:biggrin:
that's cool, orpheus, good luck :go:
btw, a question to Frujin:
There is defense bonus for the top 5 kingdoms. Is this bonus also for the player or only for Ai kingdoms?
Thanks for all of the responses guys.
I'm fairly sure I've installed the patch correctly. When I installed I came across no issues and the version displayed in-game is 1.05.xx (I forget what the xx are). Honestly, I didn't notice any differences in the market system; I make a trade agreement with another nation, and I send my merchants over to trade for coin. Before I know it I'm making +100 to +200 gold (with purchased Kingdom Advantages as well as built markets). To tell the truth, the only real difference I've noticed is that the AI doesn't like it much when I expand. But all I have to do to assuage their anger is send them some good ol' fashioned coin. That or give them one of my many provinces. It's as easy as that. The AI declares war on me sometimes, but they don't send armies very often and when they do it's a piece of cake to just double team whomever they sent.
When I begin, I don't really get any starting advantages as far as buildings are concerned. All I have to do is train a bunch of peasants and find a nearby mercenary camp. The AI rarely knows what to do when I double team them...plundering is incredibly easy. All I have to do is plunder a few churches and docks and I'm rich. After that it's a piece of cake hiring some merchants and marshals, conquering some prime territory, and eventually hiring a cleric and a spy.
I have only been playing early period games. I'll try out another game sometime today and choose the high period and see if maybe I've just been incredibly lucky. I mean, most of you guys are wise masters of this game compared to me so I sure hope I've just been getting lucky. :lol:
I'll keep you guys updated. Any more thoughts? Please let me know.
i played as Bosnia. it was a poor country, no buildings etc.
i qonquered 17 provinces and vanted to save but i clicked f3 instead of f2 and i loaded georgia game :angry: :sad: :angry: :sad: :angry: :sad: :angry: :sad:
30-01-2007, 14:50
Yesterday I started a new game as Provence on Hard. After much struggle I managed to expand and was contemplating gaining independence (Provence start as a vassal of France) when money will permit to overcome the drop of kingdom power. Then suddenly, I receive a message saying my territories have been annexed by France who bought the loyalty of the nobles of my kingdom :eek: I have just one province left :bash: Maybe France had a merchant spy in place? Anybody saw something like this??
30-01-2007, 15:33
Funny my current game i just checked who had the most money and it was York with 1'378'000!...i have no idea how they did it as York has only 5 territories and not the biggest income from Merchants....every other country has less than 5'000...:scratch:
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