View Full Version : Who's playing with 1.05? - First impressions, please!

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30-01-2007, 15:47
Do you have any mod installed? Or do you have any extracted 1.03-files flying around?
In the german forum some mod-users reported that they gained 13 million gold by inheriting a province.
Perhaos it was caused by loading an old savegame?


30-01-2007, 16:14
I've just seen the thread you're talking about.

I am playing a new campaign...no mods and on a fresh install of the game....

30-01-2007, 16:46
Hallo Anguille2. I play now this game over 24 Hours, because i check out what i can change for my mod, but i see never a kingdom with this gold over 1.3 Mio. every time i check the gold of the kingdoms .

My test isnt finished and i will look for this miracle.

In the moment i loose some towns with longbowmen( have 80 AttacKvalue and 20 mens) and one marshall with longbowmen inside agains two attackers. Wales make me proplems.:scratch:
Good patch.

I install the patch 1.05 over 1.03.

Before i take out all my mods.

30-01-2007, 16:54
Yesterday I started a new game as Provence on Hard. After much struggle I managed to expand and was contemplating gaining independence (Provence start as a vassal of France) when money will permit to overcome the drop of kingdom power. Then suddenly, I receive a message saying my territories have been annexed by France who bought the loyalty of the nobles of my kingdom :eek: I have just one province left :bash: Maybe France had a merchant spy in place? Anybody saw something like this??

Wow :eek: ... that's the first time I've heard of it happening to a player and not the AI. Did you have many merchants in your Royal Court? Did any of them disappear afterwards?

When you annex a vassal's provinces, you have to pay a hefty fee .. I didn't realize it went to the vassal's nobles ... this sounds very cool.

On the good side, at least France didn't wipe you out completely :lol:

Funny thing...in my current game i just checked who had the most money and it was York with 1'378'000!...i have no idea how they did it as York has only 5 territories and not the biggest income from Merchants....every other country has less than 5'000...
Maybe they ransomed off a very experienced spy, prince, or king. I have had to pay similar amounts to ransom back 5-star Spies. Did you notice what their Income was? I would assume it was a huge negative number due to high inflation.

Or maybe they raised a War Tax ... seems like a lot of money for 5 provinces though.

30-01-2007, 16:59
Amazing...isn't it :cool:


30-01-2007, 17:19
I have noticed that when you take over an AI province that was importing an exotic good, you do not gain the exotic good. It reports you gained it, but right away reports you lost it as well.

I will go back to my Munster game or my Normandy(united England) game that were both on hard setting and see how they advance, but on Normal play, once you have 25 or 30 provinces, it is steamroll through the map with ease!

30-01-2007, 17:23
Wow ... my mistake .. I've never seen numbers that big. I was thinking more along the lines of 130 K, not 1.3 M. Very strange.

30-01-2007, 18:15
Wow :eek: ... that's the first time I've heard of it happening to a player and not the AI. Did you have many merchants in your Royal Court? Did any of them disappear afterwards?

I had 3 merchants in the court. However, I didnt noticed if any of them dissapeared afterward, I was too much surprised :lol: And I reloaded right awat the latest autosave and asked my independance from France in order to avoid this annexation :silly:

30-01-2007, 20:20
I had 3 merchants in the court. However, I didnt noticed if any of them dissapeared afterward, I was too much surprised :lol: And I reloaded right awat the latest autosave and asked my independance from France in order to avoid this annexation :silly:

If you still have that Autosave, can you reload it and do a BSSSWITCH to see if France has a Spy in your Royal Court?

Care to post a pic as well?

30-01-2007, 20:59
If you still have that Autosave, can you reload it and do a BSSSWITCH to see if France has a Spy in your Royal Court?

Care to post a pic as well?
Sorry, I am not very good with these tech things :embarras:

I will try to find out if there was a merchant missing after it.

30-01-2007, 21:03
I played with Gelere and made a kingdom with strong economy you can make some of the coutries aound you vassals.... BTW the first several trading goods are very cheap ... I dont know why and later when you have more they become very expensive ( I wouldnt be able to keep them if im with the pagan religon)

31-01-2007, 17:34
Was just elected Emperor!

http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/8371/emperorxp5.th.jpg (http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=emperorxp5.jpg)

Knight of the old times
31-01-2007, 20:34
The things I experienced with the new patch.
First I want to say that i'm glad to have waited for it, It's twice as tough as I thought that it would be.

My game
Playing as Lotharingia (my favorite country) on normal (I thought it would hard enough and I was right:rofl:) early period (no lotharingia in any other period).

I started slow trying to create a stable economy which could support my war efforts, I also (to negate spies) used only 1 marshal (starting marshal) and 2 merchants (king and prince) in my first 3 hours of playing. I started out having a bad relationship with my neighbour germany, who also held me as a vassel, but since income is rather low when being a vassel I decided to declare independence. I forgot about the drop in kingdom power :bash: lucky for me that I had already invested allot of money into my kingdom power and so I didn't had that much trouble with KP.
After my declaration of independence i was being attempted constantly by germany and on top of that I also had a poor relationship with france(my other big neighbour) and to add a bit more disaster to it all, my king decided to die (somewhere early 1-2hours):angry:. Now I have 1 prince, war with germany, bad relations with france and nobody found me suited to any of their princesses:eek:. Then my luck finally changed, when I could mary my king to the princess of lombardy in exchange for war on france. Since I had little option (dying out without any heirs and get my only marshall to become king or attack france) i chose war with france.

After allot of diplomatic discussion etc. I had 1 king with 1 heir and peace with both france and germany, after that it becomes a big vague (bad memory) so to cut the story short; I first made war with lombardy then with some other country's till I had around 7pids of land.

Reaching the 6 hours:rofl: and having a total of 17 pids of land it was going quit well, till I got into fights with York and Byzantine (1st and 2nd dominating country's). Byzantine wasn't much of a problem becaus it was too far away for me to feel any threat from them, but York wasn't and this grew out to be one hell of an opponent. It gave me a monstrous war (The war took me 3hours of which (around) 1 hour was 10*speed) together with his ally Denmark (4th dominating country(i was 3rd)). After allot of fights I had almost my entire court (7full 3empty spots) filled with marshall no merchants no spies no clerics(all clerics became pope a few hours earlier). With all these marshals and this war I was able to get up to 24 pids of land (by kicking york of the mainland and a few of denmarks provinces). So I thought by meself War is going oke, I finally made peace with York and Denmark after their wave after wave after wave of troup attacks:bash: (couldn't even breath without being attacked by both single marshalls and double marshalls from york and denmark). The reason I made peace with them is not becaus I was losing or something but rather becaus i was going insane:silly: of the endless attacks (yes they did offer peace with vassalage towards me in between but that was most of the time just 1 minute after declaring war again). This new peace I made lasted for 1,5hour, simply becaus I had good relations with the church, but that ship has sailed and so the fighting has started yet again....

This is how my game is going and it isn't finished yet, though Denmark and York aaint that big of a problem anymore(Denmark barely has 1 pid left and York has only english and scottisch island in it's grip), but the fact that they still exist is annoying and I just can't get through York which is again attacking me like a possessed mentaly insane person everytime again and again wave after wave....
I think I'll be busy with this game for another 7 hours before I can completely eliminate the rest of the world and that's probably a estimated minimum gametime.
It's fun though, but being at already a huge 13hours in-gametime and just roughly 2 hours of speeding (10*) making it 11 real hours. Is just allot.

Here are my ingame biggest issues and funny things that i saw.

My biggest issues i'm having: are my kings inability to have sex with their partners :scratch: becaus i'm already at my 4th king who hasn't been able to get sons :angry: (or rather 3 who never gotten any sons and one impotent one) and it's costing my experienced marshalls....
This is what i think is just a bad case of programming, and a lousy way to lose my military strength, or maybe i'm just a little frustrated.

Funny thing I came across with: Seeing a just reformed highlands 3-4 pids east from the alps:scratch:, though i've already rid the map from that little "bug" .

that's my ingame experience, sorry for any bad grammar (it was just allot of typing).
Anyway i'm off to conquer the rest of the world.

01-02-2007, 15:08
Heheh, in my current game I am playing Provence and was at the start the vassal of France, now France is my vassal :bday: Soon the Cathars will rule the world! :go:

Since the patch I am really having a blast with KoH! Dont have any time left to do the dishes or the vaccum! :lol: