View Full Version : Specific requests for the next patch.
29-10-2004, 04:04
IMO we should have a sticky thread like this where users and members would express their desires and ideas for the next patch. Of course devs would take them into consideration and include some ideas...hopefully.
So everyone is open to post his suggestions and ideas, requests, etc and mods will hopefully make this thread sticky and we could make it a tradition and custom before releasing every patch. So please supports this because it is for us users and mere mortals, our only chance to be heard.. ;)
So I have my first set of changes that should IMO be undertaken for the next patch. They are mainly regarding historical facts and province name mistakes.
For the 1.10 version I suggest next:
-Rename province of Istria to Croatia, rename capital city to Senj
-Rename province of Panonia to Slavonia, rename capital city to Zagreb or Agram
-Rename province of Pfalz to Swabia
-Rename province of Dacia to Wallachia
-Rename proince of Moesia to Dorostotum
-Rename capital city of province of Gotaland from Calmar to something else while renaming capital city of Svealand from Upsala to Calmar
-Make Croatian nobles(marshals, clerics, landlords, builders, etc) carry the title 'Ban' instead of 'Despot'. Ban is EXCLUSIVELY CROATIAN title, thus I can't understand why Hungarians(?!) have it and Croats don't.
-Make Serbian nobles carry the title Zupan or Vojvoda
If we can nitpick about kingdoms, then I have complaints about the British Isles, mainly Ireland:
-Hobilar shouldn't be light cavalry, actual hobilar were well armored in chain, used javelins at a distance, closed with a spear overhead, and drew a sword to deal with infantry.
-Why are Longbowmen available in Ulster, but Norman infantry not in Leinster? The longbows certainly weren't used by the Ulsterman, Irish warfare makes little use of bows, javelins and darts are preferrable in it. Either eliminate the English influenced Longbowmen in Ulster, or add Normans in Leinster.
-Why are there no chain armor units in Ireland? Ireland was decently famed for their chain, as it was made of good quality, and in great quantity. Heavy swordsman would be fine to fit that role (though not heavy archers, since, as mentioned, Irish armies didn't utilize archers much).
-The names of Irish nobles shouldn't be Earl, but Aires or Chieftans. Irish kingdoms didn't have a nobility remotely akin to most other kingdoms (heirs were elected, not inherited, peasants could ascend to being lesser nobility, land was owned collectivist, not by nobles, etc.). Kings should be Ri, or Ruire, except for the king of Ulster or all of Ireland, which should be Ard Ri, Ard Ruire, or Scotum Imperator.
-Where is Connacht? The area of Connacht on the map is almost blank, there is plenty of space for it, and it is pivotal to Irish history (Brian Boroime was of mixed Connacht and Munster descent, and his Dalcassion knights were from Connacht). Galway would work as a town for it.
-Why no Gallowglass? Significantly more important than Hobilar, Gaelo-Nordic warriors, Irish heavy infantry. They used massive two-handed axes called sparth axes, well made full chain suits, and iron helmets. The later Gallowglass largely adopted Irish lewing swords (a GIANT two-handed sword), or cleighderaigh (an Irish claymore).
-Why are the Irish names mostly Nordic or English? While English and Nordic influence was present, the names were changed to fit Irish dialects, like, Godfrey became Goidheil, or Gailgheal, Randolph would be Ronall or Ronhail.
-Why is the Irish flag on a green background? I understand not including the harp for dynamic heraldry purposes, but the Irish flag had a BLUE field, not green (it was identical to the flag of Leinster, a yellow Irish harp on a green field, except the field was blue on the flag of Ireland).
-Is it possible for Cornwall to be indepedent in the earliest period? Or would it have already been conquered?
-Why is Wales indepedent in Late? It had already been conquered by the 1300s, had it not?
-Could resources be made a LITTLE less rare? Not too much less, but a little, so that building a cathedral isn't some remote, outside chance. I do like having to fight for the rare stuff, but it's so rare that I almost always started with provinces that are 90% worth nothing. The only time I ever got a university was playing as Normandy, and Normandy itself could support one, and it was the only province on the map that could. That seems a bit TOO rare, and in most games, there are NO provinces capable of constructing a university, and when there are, it's just like the Normandy situation, only a single province can. I know that illustrated books should be a rare resource, but none at all or just one province is waaay too rare. And that's just an example, a good number of goods are often simply impossible to produce, or are produced in so few places it's totally unrealistic.
-Continuing the above statement, but slightly diverging, perhaps an option to switch on 'static' resources? The map would have predefined resources instead of random ones. While not as interesting as a random map, at least it can be assured that goods are possible to attain, and that the better structures aren't impossibilities.
-Another idea, maybe have four resources possible? If random, it'd allow more provinces the chance to build the better improvements.
That's it for me, I think.
Here comes my 67mb listo-changes which makes the game to future car racing game :P
No seriously - I would like to see the AI in tactical combat to be more agile and counter tactics skilled, and not to be easily abused.
29-10-2004, 22:18
ALlrighty, well off the bat:
WTF history book did you people read about the Teutons making the Liths Catholic. That description is too messed up. The liths did not leave paganism until jogalia married the polish queen. Then the Lithuanian people took on chirstianity and Jogalia became jagiello king of poland, grand duke of lithuania.
Also the resource inonsistencies are REALLY annoying, like the one before me said. You hardly ever can build a cathedral or university, you get the ability to vuild certain special units in your provinces, but one time i got NO provinces with ability to build stable for horses. ANNOYING>
William Blake
29-10-2004, 23:06
I dont think you need to add any more units into the game. Its way too many already. Every country can have a records of dozen soldier types, so what?
KoH is not "History 101", not an encyclopedia, it covers huge land, you can't totaly simulate 100% accurate history for every single province. You move through the history and you can name HUNDRENDS of very specific units, normans with axes, normans with swords - shift timeline a bit and you see DIFFERENT type with the same name, spanish, italian, german...Eastern europe had dozen of types with different name in every nation, or take mongols - had heavy infantry, very specific,not only cavalry. Or take arabian and muslim/turkish regions - TONS of names, battles, detailed descriptions or different weaponry.
Honestly, you dont have camels in england and you dont have spahis in germany, its ok. But every single nation can come up and say "wait a minute, i know the history of my land, this is not EXACTLY as it was - change it!". In the matters of soldier looks, weaponry, names, accents and such you cant demand 100% match for all europe.
Dont have anything against renaming provines and towns - its managable.
I didn't say I wanted Gallowglass added, just a bit confused why Hobilar were chosen over them, as they're historically far less influential, and a footnote in history by comparison. And of adding heavy swordsman, that seems like it'd hardly be difficult, considering it'd likely be slight editting to the pack files. Also, I'm not going in on Irish things mostly because "it's my land", it's not some type of nationalism, it's that playing as any of the Irish kingdoms is wretched as they have nothing decent, and while the game isn't 'history 101', it IS a horrid inconsistency to give it only the worst units available only, except the totally anachronistic longbowmen in Ulster. I want a single, decent unit added to Ireland (and one very good one removed), as to prevent it from ****ing so incredibly hard. I usually play as Normandy, but playing as Ireland, it's difficult to not notice it's horrendous underpowered, and there is historical basis for much of the unit placement, so why not heavy swordsman, which would've been used by the Irish? If I wanted to get far into history, the Irish provinces shouldn't have bowmen either, as Irish armies almost never employed them (except Munster, who DID have regiments of longbowmen by around 1050), they used mercenary archers instead of archers from Ireland. As stated, the preferred Irish 'ranged' weapons were javelins and darts, which were thrown before a charge. But, I'm not asking to have any dart or javelin infantry added. I'd be fine with bowmen being removed though, and heavy swordsman added, if I wanted hardcore realism for the Irish kingdoms, forcing them to either expand outside of Ireland for bows, or hire mercenaries, which is what they actually would have had to do. I don't think adding a single unit to the Irish provinces can be that difficult, nor removing one. I can see problems with adding provinces, or removing provinces, and so on, and I would like to definitely see some name changes, and while I did go on unrelated portions in my list, I think my main wishes are pretty reasonable.
-Remove longbows from Ulster, possibly bowmen from all the Irish provinces too
-Add heavy swordsman to the Irish provinces
-Increase the occurence of rare resources slightly (emphasizing slightly)
-And a new one- Possibly have Feudal Knights as a kingdom unit for Normandy and England? Maybe not, would seem unbalancing, and they do have plenty of space around them that can build them already
I know I made a bunch of requests, but that's what I'd really prefer to see most of all.
30-10-2004, 06:14
I'd prefer they work on improving the AI, make sieging relevant, and do something about useless princesses long before they worry about nitpicky issues such as Why is Ulster Spelled Wrong or other things which don't improve gameplay a single iota.
Pearls of Wisdom - "Amazing. After 700 years, kingdoms and eras come and go; technology advances and the landscape changes, but mankind stays so much the same." - The Doctor (Doctor Who: Shadow of the Dragon)
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ALlrighty, well off the bat:
Also the resource inonsistencies are REALLY annoying, like the one before me said. You hardly ever can build a cathedral or university, you get the ability to vuild certain special units in your provinces, but one time i got NO provinces with ability to build stable for horses. ANNOYING>
So, there are, as you should know, many game plans. I conquerred Europe by trades,demands and just a little offence and everybody loved me. And all my towns were max upgraded. I rarely had under 10000 gold in my treasury, you know.
I conqured Europe by huge armies. I had one mershant and one spy . everything other were marshals wish huge and skilled armies. My border towns were almost max upgraded. I rarely had under 5000 gold in my treasury. I had double taxes, so I often had revolts and... you can't have the biggest, haviest,strngest army and have lots and lots o' gold!
And about the topic:
Where the hell are the legendary bulgarian mounted units?
It would be nice if there was an ability for some units to hide in trees, swamps and so on...
Where the hell are the legendary bulgarian mounted units?
Never heard of it :rolleyes:
What about the unbelievable famous Dutch Flatlanders? :)
31-10-2004, 14:42
People please refrain from chatting and asking rhetorical questions. This thread is though of as a place where you would say what should be fixed and included in the next patch.
31-10-2004, 23:58
I knwo its outa the time period but it'd be sweet to seem Polish Hussars :D
NoC Lord Fire
01-11-2004, 00:06
It would be nice if you could build in mp
NoC Lord Fire
01-11-2004, 00:08
1. mp europe map would be nice
2. map editor
3. chat in the mp room (gamespy-but in the game menu)
4. to see who is in mp
02-11-2004, 20:39
I just noticed another thing....Austrian ruler is a King?!?! Austria was never a kingdom. So I ask that it is renamed to Archduke and Arcduchy or if that is not posibble than to Emperor and Empire.
Tzar Ivan Assen II
03-11-2004, 14:19
1.I want to see which country does the population in a province is dedicated to
2.Naval battles :)
3.Change the portrait of a person , reffering to his age
4.The game must have a diplo-vassalage function
5.Show the skills of the other kings somewhere
6.Think about a different AI reffering to each , or at least the most famous , countries
For example it's ridicollous that Switzerland conquers the world after a very little period of time and the small countries start equally with the more famous and large ones.
7.Give us an option to make agreements with the rebels
For example : Give them money or autonomy to stop their raids
A DOOR for the castle keep! Please????? :yawn:
some my ideas for patch:
1) diplomacy:
a)possibility to demand to change religion (as peace demand or simply as normal diplomatic demand)
b) possibility to demand to sign a peace with optional kingdom/improve relations with optional kingdom (as mormal diplomatical demand, as peace demand and also under invoke aliance) maybe also other positive diplomatic actions shold be possible to be asked, I see diplomatical system little too negatiovistic
c) develop vasalage little more, make own options in vassalage, such as (if vasal):
pay out from vassalage (with offer of the price)
demand - defend aggainst (optional kingdom)-if not, the oppresoor will suffer kingdom power penalty
and oppresors options:
demand - atack (optional kingdom) - if not, the vassal will suffer kingdom power penalty
- war tax
- break agreements with
- sign a peace with
- help aggainst (optional kingdom)
offer - pay out of vassalage (any you ofer the price)
- (other diplomatic actions as they are between 2 kingdoms in peace)
2) merge landlord and builder proffesions into one, i.e. landlord being able to raise number of workers also
3) make piety and books limits a little higher to 1500 f.i.
1000 when most of actions with piety/books costs 1000 is little too low
4) some units changes:
a)make cataphracts kingdom special unit for Armenia (I am sure I asked for this, Frujin, before game release and your answer was positive :()
b) make ghulam cavalry and mamluks little better in resistance, they have very good armour and very good attackling skills, but every swordsmen squad makes very high damage to them
5) change of titles of Bohemian and Polish (and all countries of Czech and Polish nationality which emerge during the gameplay) nobles from graf/pan to wojewoda
6) Bohemia in the high period should be Kingdom instead of duchy, it definitely got king title in 1198(also in 1085 and 1158, but not as hereditary)
7) some province renaming, especially
Lisbon -> Porto
Tago -> Lisbon
Benghazi -> Barka
El Alamein!! -> Libya
Istria -> Slavonia or Croatia
Lugansk -> Sarai
Volgograd (only after 1953 or later, older names: Stalingrad, Caricyn) -> Samara
Ufa -> Bulgar
Slazburg -> Tyrolia*
Tyrolia -> Bavaria*
Bavaria -> Swabia*
Hesse -> Franconia*
Nassau -> Hesse*
Franconia -> Nassau*
and some spelling corrections:
Sylezia -> Silesia
Gotland -> Gotaland
*I'm curious how is it possible that in a game developed with help of german company SF it is possible to have such mess in german and austrian historical lands. Everybody in Germany must know that Bavaria lies everywhere but north of Switzerland ans border on Alsace, that Salzburg is NORTHEAST, not SOUTH of Tirol etc.
04-11-2004, 15:34
IMO ...........
-Rename proince of Moesia to Dorostotum
I don't think so
Moesia was aways moesia not Dorostotum
04-11-2004, 15:40
-People talk about patches but I still haven't a game. Something wrong-
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