View Full Version : Some news from BSS
13-04-2007, 12:58
This news is shining throughout Europe indeed :P Can't wait :P
13-04-2007, 17:39
Thanks for the great news Frujin!!! soon is very soon?
Asking BSS,for a date is "tabu",so most probably you won`t get an answer :biggrin:
Thanks for the great news Frujin!!! soon is very soon?
I think soon = 6/7 months
I think soon = 6/7 months
you are very optimistic, aren't you...
inshallah it will come.. soon.. date is not as simportant as the fact that it will come :angel:
13-04-2007, 20:08
you are very optimistic, aren't you...
inshallah it will come.. soon.. date is not as simportant as the fact that it will come :angel:
Don`t agree on that,time is the only think we can`t turn back and the most horrible variable known to mankind having in mind humans small lifespan so loosing time would be more costier than anything else.In other words said it isn`t the same if you find the woman of your dreams while you re 70 and while you re 20,or is it?:wink:
ps:guess gogo is right
Elvain, I'm pessimistic :wink:
I have notice that soon \скоро\ saide by bulgarian isn't equality of Soon said by Englishman \that is my view\.
Slowly the grey haired old warrior with sand in his joints, begins to polish and sharpen his weapons and armour. The memory of anticipation of a coming battle warms his aged blood. His reflexes slowed for sure but his strength remains hidden under his stoney face.
"BINGFA" awaits a herald, bringing news of a battle new.
Slowly the grey haired old warrior with sand in his joints, begins to polish and sharpen his weapons and armour. The memory of anticipation of a coming battle warms his aged blood. His reflexes slowed for sure but his strength remains hidden under his stoney face.
"BINGFA" awaits a herald, bringing news of a battle new.
I didn't get it ?
Btw, you are from Asia, aren't you ?
Great news indeed! I've been waiting for 1.05 patch for more than two years and I don't care much about another two for a thrilling KOH2. This time I hope for a far better advertisement strategy and effort.:hello:
15-04-2007, 20:04
I didn't get it ?
Btw, you are from Asia, aren't you ?
BINGFA is one of the Old Guard (or maybe even Ancient Guards, as you could see by his "Longevity" status) on the forum. He was one of those, who were here much before the first KoH was released. Nice to see you again, BINGFA! And nice to see you too, Frank Fay! And, of course, nice to see Frujin as well! Well, basically, nice to see you all! :biggrin:
I didn't get it ?
Btw, you are from Asia, aren't you ?
The age of the great warrior Bingfa is unknow, but he is for sure much oder that this pub. He was already gray haired veteran, when I was still young, daring lad ... sigh, was sooo long ago.
:cheers: for thee old times when battles were won by hearts, ... not by weapons!
15-04-2007, 21:50
BINGFA is one of the Old Guard (or maybe even Ancient Guards, as you could see by his "Longevity" status) on the forum. He was one of those, who were here much before the first KoH was released. Nice to see you again, BINGFA! And nice to see you too, Frank Fay! And, of course, nice to see Frujin as well! Well, basically, nice to see you all! :biggrin:
yeah some people stick around here for some years :lol:
many of the old guard have dissapeard but there are stil a few who fights against evil And win hearts of many young women:biggrin:
yeah, really pleasing to see some of the grey bearded and grey haired veterans, who seem not to be eble to hold a sword.. but all in all, none of us would be able to stand then in one to one fight for more than a minute (after a minute they'd be so exhausted by the age that they'd fall)
Great to see all of those nice people from old good times back here.
Jusr if Henrik or someone else comes back, I will start to believe in miracles :angel:
Alas I was an old gamer before the great Frujin was known as such, before he released the might of the of TZAR's.
For now I sit and watch the young pups play. Perhaps you can't teach an old dog new tricks but he well may remember his bite.
:cheers: to the mighty Frujin. Great to see the Elders gathered.
I am not from Asia.
Land Down Under Lyrics
» Men At Work
Traveling in a fried-out combie
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said,
"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said,
"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty?"
And he said,
"Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
"BINGFA" sounds Chinese to me :biggrin: :lol:
btw, I didn't know that Tzar is made by pepole from BSS. tzar was my favourite game... :king:
Btw, I know better poem
Оттук започва родината -
с гроб на незнаен юнак,
през който смъртта е преминала...
Смъртта, не - и вражият крак! :fire: :sniper:
Европа, млада и непохитена,
четеше своя рицарски роман,
когато, в зора незазорена,
загина рицарят Иван-Шишман.
Европа плачеше за Жулиета,
Европа се прехласваше по Бах...
А, с вълчи вой, в тракийските полета,
вървяха глутниците на Аллах.
Когато обкръжена от слугини,
тя плуваше в охолство и разкош,
във Солун, на пазара за робини,
гяурките вървяха, пет - за грош. :blush:
Когато тя строеше катедрали,
и замъци... В зимния Балкан,
скърбяха тънки липови кавали
и плачеха за воеводата Стоян.
Въздигаха се кървави калета,
градени със отрязани глави.
И, всъщност, си остана непревзета
страната на хайдушките орли. :wall:
А беше колкото калпак голяма,
широка колкото следа от лъв,
но се превърна в страшна вълча яма,
покрита с кости и залята с кръв.
Със кремъклийка пушка, с проста сопа,
със камък и стрели от бучиниш,
дедите ни завардиха Европа
и турците не стигнаха Париж!
btw, I didn't know that Tzar is made by pepole from
The owner of BSS(Frujin) was the lead designer/programmer of Tzar, this was before starting his own developing company!
well, just found that::cheers:
Black Sea Studios founded
The lead designer for Tsar: Burden of the Crown starts a new game company.
Vesselin Handjiev, lead designer on Tzar: The Burden of the Crown , has announced the formation of his new game development company, Black Sea Studios. The studio is based in Bulgaria, and it is developing two real-time strategy games and one arcade-style action game, all of which will be announced later this month at E3. The studio plans to develop games for a wide range of platforms including the PC, Macintosh, Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation 2. For more information about Black Sea Studios, visit the official company.
By Trey Walker, GameSpot
Posted May 7, 2001 10:49 pm GMT
The words BING and FA are chinese. I am not.
TZAR was my Favourite too.
17-04-2007, 09:26
yeah, really pleasing to see some of the grey bearded and grey haired veterans, who seem not to be eble to hold a sword.. but all in all, none of us would be able to stand then in one to one fight for more than a minute (after a minute they'd be so exhausted by the age that they'd fall)
Great to see all of those nice people from old good times back here.
Jusr if Henrik or someone else comes back, I will start to believe in miracles :angel:
Well we may be grey haired veterans. But we stil got a trick or three in our bags So looking exhausted after a min may be a trick. so lett you attack us and so we can chop your head off :biggrin: :angel:
17-04-2007, 22:27
Interesting news.
And if there would be Knights of Honor 2, I'd sure have an eye on it! Gameplay and fun, no other game combined those two things so brilliantly in the last couple of years like KoH does. And every time I fire it up again, I'm glued to the screen again. I'd really like to see part two of Knights of Honor.
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