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10-05-2007, 16:44
maybe KOH 2 offers a possibility to play for some kingdoms in central africa...:lol: :lol: :lol:

10-05-2007, 19:56
i agree do we get to herd mighty armies of rhino's to conquer europe?

:hello: :lol: :go: :rofl:

10-05-2007, 20:47
maybe KOH 2 offers a possibility to play for some kingdoms in central africa...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well my feeling Mirco, is that this is not a shot from a future KoH 2, but a shot from the other project they are working on!

I find much intrigue in this shot! Very interesting!

11-05-2007, 08:58
Maybe the new game will be "The planet of the rhinos"(apes):lol:

I agree,it creates more questions than answers so we`re at the 0 once again :(

11-05-2007, 16:25
Considering the ruins, maybe it's some kind of a "post-apocalyptic" game. Or just standard sci-fi with some small post-apocalyptic elements. Or maybe something completely different... Yeah, this screenshot arouses more questions than answers...

Btw, I hope that this is not from the intro movie! And the graphics of the water look really great (if they're in-game, I guess I'd have to start saving money for a new computer)! :go:

11-05-2007, 16:29
Well, I know many friends here are curious, so here is something like a little sneak peek into the future :)And you knew we would now become even more curious :smile3:. I like the atmosphere of the picture. Perhaps the game contains the 'colonise a new planet/world' idea, considering the picture on BSS' site.
Now *that* is something I didn't expect.
I concur!

11-05-2007, 17:26
By the way, is there any ETA for the announcement of the game? 2Q2007?


11-05-2007, 21:18
My guesses are for Q3,koh officially entered production in september 2004,this year we will be having a 3th birthday of KOH:bday: ,so it sounds to me a nice time of announcing that the game developpment that took exactly 3 years is finished,it would be symbolic afterall
If i were BSS i would have done it as explained !

+rushing is never good for game developpment the 2 most successfull game developpment companies Valve and Blizzard are always delaying their games trying to achieve perfection(actually in the case of Valve,it is the syndrome of perfectionism rather than just a normal delay yet i prefer it that way!)

Friends lets concentrate on building churches and librairies and if someone has Minerals in their provinces why not a university!Maybe we can educate a spy to level 5 and infiltrate the headquaters of BSS or something retreaving some info...we will surely need a volunteer for that ofcorse...
ps:and if someone has the "Secret order" advantage,feel free to share it!

12-05-2007, 00:01
Traveller lives fairly close, maybe he could infiltrate for us! :biggrin: That is if he has reached higher level of education!

12-05-2007, 00:33
Traveller lives fairly close, maybe he could infiltrate for us! :biggrin: That is if he has reached higher level of education!Well, he does read many books, but wether he already read 5000 of them?



12-05-2007, 02:16
Well, he does read many books, but wether he already read 5000 of them?

:go: :biggrin:

12-05-2007, 04:08
Hmmm...interesting...Nice pic but to be honest I was more intrigued with the shot on the website of the alien like skull and tracks if it's for the same game. I was kind of hoping for a game like KOH but with Scifi theme.
The thing with big 3D graphics is it tends to not be so good for strategy games. Maybe this game is different type? Interesting...guess we'll have to wait and see.

14-05-2007, 14:22
Well, he does read many books, but wether he already read 5000 of them?


Oh, I'm rather a middle-class spy than a 5-star one. Although, if we include the books and experiences read, re-read and gathered since the first "turns "of my hiring, one could say that "I feel wiser now!" and maybe even wise enough to try and infiltrate the BSS court. But, alas, I've been hired to just sit here and counter-spy, not to go to other realms. Maybe we should just find a princess and marry her to some Prince of BSS (since the King is already taken, AFAIK) and then invoke the "alliance"? :rolleyes:

14-05-2007, 14:40
Nice pic :cool: But it put more questions on the tabel then answers frujin :wink:

So could you give us more info ?? :angel: :biggrin:

14-05-2007, 19:02
Looks like another Paraworld.....:silly:

15-05-2007, 01:19
Sunny news indeed.

I would certainly love to see a follow up to this great game. But I personally think it would be crucial to add decent looking 3d battles. Because as it is now I don’t even bother fighting the battles due two reasons, the first one is of cause the graphical part and the last thing is the awkward maneuvering and the battle speed.

Some suggestions:
-Implant zoom in-out for both battle and campaign map.
-New 3d battles not necessary Medieval 2: Total War standards, maybe less but more realistic looking units.
-The option to negotiate with kingdoms.
-Longer lasting battles to make battlefield tactics more important.
-More provinces to make the game experience more epic.
-Unique looking cities, for those which were historical great and important in the medieval period.
-New win condition options. Maybe glories achievements and or historical conquest (what the kingdom historically conquered).
-More in-depth descriptions of units and kingdoms, nothing better than learn while you play.

Anyhow be sure to stick to the already excellent recipe, which I think is a game that ooze of medieval atmosphere and has great diplomacy.


15-05-2007, 01:55
Why do so many people think you have to have 3D? Nothing like making the game require heavy artillery to run it!

15-05-2007, 02:28
It's all marketing, graphics first then the game. :dwink:

15-05-2007, 10:02
3D battles is the last thing KoH battles need.

if you want to play perfect battles, play TW, KoH is about combination of battles and diplomacy. The units here look much better IMO than in all those "graphicylly perfect" 3D games.

I agree that there shuold be possibility to zoom battles and to deepen strategic possibilities in battles, but please no 3D!

15-05-2007, 11:32
Agree with Elvain, battle graphics are just fine!I prefer to make the gameplay more deeper rather than to have fancy graphics and effects.