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15-05-2007, 15:11
Who says that 3d battles need to meet the standards of M2TW and the high system requirements?
The campaign map I think is nearly perfect and really makes you feel like a real life medieval king, but when you load up a battle all that fall to the ground, because of the clumsy cartoon look.

Like I said it doesn’t have to meet the standards of M2TW, but it defiantly needs an overhaul. They could make the size of the units double as small, fewer numbers or whatever and you would already have a game with low system requirements. Also maybe 2d could be ok, I did love the battles in M1TW and maybe with 2d the numbers of units could get very high without any machine struggling.

Anyhow as for more in-depth I hundred percent agree, that’s why I prefer KOH over M2TW, even though I have a powerful machine. M2TW is all about graphics that’s why it’s so rubbish, so we do share the same view, but a face-up or at least some changing for especially battles would certainly not hurt I think.

15-05-2007, 15:46
Very nice screenshot Frujin. The water effects especially look nice.

I wonder if BSS built their own 3D engine or licensed it from another company.

15-05-2007, 16:53
Are we even sure that the next game is going to be a RTS? Everyone seems so, although we don't have any info at all about the game.

15-05-2007, 20:59
I only play KOH for the strategy part and hardly ever play out battles...if the focus is more on the battles and not beefing up the strategy/royal court/ family aspect/kingdom building ,I probably wouldn't buy it.

23-05-2007, 16:34

23-05-2007, 16:58
The king and his court.:lol:

23-05-2007, 17:19
The king and his court.:lol:
withut any doubt :go:

does it have similar game engine like KoH?

23-05-2007, 20:20 is a nice find indeed! WoW guild, eh?

I see the game looks.. cartoony too.

23-05-2007, 20:30
hm it looks a little bit like settlers 6 ;)

23-05-2007, 20:34
The characters appear to be snails or at least have snail shells!

23-05-2007, 21:05
The purple stuff is dilithium crystals that are used to fire up warp coils....:borg:

23-05-2007, 21:09
The characters appear to be snails or at least have snail shells!

On closer inspection the 3 characters look as they might be hermit crabs!

23-05-2007, 21:30
On closer inspection the 3 characters look as they might be hermit crabs!On even more close inspection: they look like aliens with Abe-like hair and their right arm replaced by a gatling gun. There's also this fallen tower in the background and one in the foreground, as well as one still standing albeit covered with plant growth. A degenerated outpost?

23-05-2007, 22:12
When looking at the screenshots, remember that the last time Frujin started working on a game the only thing the final game had in common with his initial work was the general era it was set in. :wink:


23-05-2007, 22:17
yes, they all seem to carry some kind of "gun"

24-05-2007, 08:27
I'm not sure is this a strategy game :confused:
I like the look of the game...
PS-Oh, these fat hermits \ :lol: \ may be generals of army ? Like in KoH generals looks like one Knight.......

PS2- No, they can not be generals, because that looks more like battle map, than like political view

24-05-2007, 09:30
Ok, that's a really... strange picture... Thanks for finding it, 4zzY!

24-05-2007, 09:34
I can't promise anything, but there's a hope for some more pics soon :go:

24-05-2007, 10:46
I can't promise anything, but there's a hope for some more pics soon :go:

Interesting...are you working for the publisher of BSS next project?

Any infos on the possible requirements would be neat

24-05-2007, 11:08
no i'm not working for them :biggrin:
otherwise you would have to worry for their next project :lol: