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24-05-2007, 11:17
I guess 4zzy fished the picture out of the http://gamedev-bg.net forum, where the BSS devs are very active. Traveller? Infiltrate! :wink:


24-05-2007, 12:33
I'll see what can I do.....

24-05-2007, 22:32
Hmm, interesting. Those things look like aliens, but at the same time look like Peter from family guy:silly: . And also their "clothing" makes them look like some sort of masochists.

And there is the behine of a rhino, I think.

25-05-2007, 03:03
I don't think the new project is going to be KoH2. Judging from the 3-D I won't buy it, my computer is too outdated. I was hoping for a sequal or an expansion, ah well. I guess I am speaking too soon, I should wait for more information. Their guns look futuristic, if it was some sort of Arquebus or old gun, maybe it could be a KoH sequel, apparently not.

06-06-2007, 15:04
Hello, just joined up in hopes of getting news on a hypothetical KOH II. But with the screenshots that Frujin's been teasing us with, it sure doesn't look medieval, or even familiar. :bash: I sure hope that those were red herrings. What I'd really like to see in KOH II (if it ever comes out, that is!) are periodic disasters which disrupt the political system, e.g. hordes of Mongol/Turkic nomad armies bursting out of Central Asia and overthrowing weaker states, the Black Death wiping out cities and more severely affecting states with a more developed mercantile economy, attempts by members of the court to overthrow the dynasty and establish themselves in the provinces as semi-independent barons, or even trying to usurp the kingdom itself (with a concomitant drop in kingdom power, possible change of kingdom name and loss of provinces if they're successful). Just some suggestions. It would also be nice to see a difference between cities in terms of architecture. AND it would be nice to include Central Asia and the Far East in the new game: imagine Teutonic Knights battling Samurai! Unreal!

06-06-2007, 16:22
Welcome to the forum, Goethicus! :halloha:

BSS new project that they started work on after KoH is something totally different than KoH as you have observed. When BSS started work on that project, Sunflowers still held the rights to KoH and was not interested in starting development of a sequel to KoH. Now BSS has the rights to KoH and I believe considering developing KoH2, but of course it will have to wait until after their current project!

07-06-2007, 09:18
those were interesting ideas, Goethicus (btw, Welcome :hello:)

I think that when Frujin decided to speak about possibility of KoH2 it means he is very interested in it and if everything goes well (Worldshift), he will be glad to work on KoH2.

But now it's just hypothetical possibility

07-06-2007, 10:57
Thanks for the feedback, guys! :cheers: It's probably the most interesting and in-depth game I've ever encountered, and I really hope that the second installment comes out soon!! Maybe we should all go to Sofia and camp out outside the headquarters of BSS until they finish the game! :lol: It wouldn't be a hardship since Bulgarian food is really good and they have this amazing drink called Boza. But anyways...:rofl:

07-06-2007, 11:20
...and they have this amazing drink called Boza...
Are you kidding me? You're probably the first foreigner I meet, who actually finds the boza "amazing" (unless you meant "amazing" as "amazingly bad" :wink: )! We actually used it as a "test for missionaries" in my dad's work! :lol:
Oh, and welcome to this forum, as long as it will continue to exist! :wink:

07-06-2007, 11:47
Nope, wasn't a joke. I LOVE all Bulgarian food, especially Boza (I actually got to know it in Turkey where it's not as sweet but I love the Bulgarian edition as well!), Banitza, and Buffalo yoghurt!! Looks like I've got a "B" fetish!!:lol: