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08-09-2006, 20:16
It is a good reason!I would never had thought about it !:rolleyes:
btw did Venice or Genoa actually had town walls!?
Genoa did but Venice didn't as far as I know

08-09-2006, 21:22
Genoa did but Venice didn't as far as I know
Haha, I would so love to see Venice's town walls, floating around... :wink: :biggrin:
Btw, Elvain, do you know which text files you've modified? Cuz some of the files from my BG translation are of HRE 1.7 (so your mod should be fully on Bulgarian :wink:), so I probably should translate or correct the original ones as well...

08-09-2006, 21:39
Btw, Elvain, do you know which text files you've modified? Cuz some of the files from my BG translation are of HRE 1.7 (so your mod should be fully on Bulgarian :wink:), so I probably should translate or correct the original ones as well...
here they are:
Texts\economy\buildings.ini and buildings;2.ini (medium changes)
- new buildings listed to place their names in game

Texts\economy\valuables.tsv (large change)
- converted exptic goods listed in valuables list

Texts\economy\valuablesdesc.ini (large change)
- descriptions of converted exptics added

Texts\knights\eu_knights;2.tsv /minor changes)
- listed new knights' names

Texts\knights\titles;more.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- listed new titles

Texts\map\eu_kingdomdescr.txt (minor changes)
- new kingdoms' descriptions added

Texts\map\eu_realms;2.tsv (minor changes)
- names of kingdoms and provinces renamed, listed new kingdoms

Texts\map\eu_towns;2.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- renamed towns and listed new town names that differ from province names

Texts\map\kingdoms.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- new titles of kingdoms listed

Texts\religion\misionary.ini (no change since 1.6)
- copied from Glory of God modto be honest I don't know (now, it's so long...) and I find it our by comparing mod files with original files only :blush:

08-09-2006, 22:38
Yeah, I noticed that. But you probably don't know what exactly in their contents you've changed, right? I should search myself, if I have enough time then...

24-09-2006, 19:20
I was trying to follow the procedures to install the mod but I got stuck after 2.6 ( look that you have now new folders in your KoH directory (there shuold be following: defs, images, maps, movies, packs, system, Texts
I installed patch 1.3 and did the steps (till 2.6 ofcourse). However, I can't find the following folders in my KoH directory: images and movies. Could someone help me?
Many thanks

29-09-2006, 09:42
sorry for so late reply.

What version of mod do you use?
those 2 folders are missing in some older versions.

btw, could oyu please send me a screenshot of your KoH directory after the instalation?
I'll PM you my email adress

30-09-2006, 13:07
thanks to Ganso's notice I decided to edit unit stats in the mod. So for better balance, change the stats in defs/units/military/units.xls and units.txt this way:

boyar 35 180 0 30 0 30 20 1200 100 200% 800 70 120 +1 stable,scale armor,armory,spear master,horses defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2

bulgar 25 160 70 25 10 250,140 25 1200 100 200% 900 200,600 70 140 stable,horses,fletcher,swordsmith,chain mail defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2

30-09-2006, 17:58
Elvain,i wonder if you are going to make 1.8 and if so what should we expect
maybe mapchanges using the editor,more unis,enchanced economy(or trade)??

30-09-2006, 18:11
There probably won't be 1.8 it is almost for sure.

After the second patch all versions will be 2.#

maybe just the test version will be called 1.8 or 1.9

and at the moment I don't plan any changes except some minors like these

also there is one more change.
Edit the file defs/Quests/unite_byzantia.ini
I forgot that I changed key name of Trebizond so you would be unable to unite Byzantia as Trebizond:

event_id = event_unite
affect = AI, player
reward = AI, player
periods = high
calc_for_kingdoms = Epir, Nicaea, Trabizond
religion_is = orthodox

has_realms = Epirus, Hellas, Solun, Thrace, Nicaea, Anatolia, Antalya, Trebizond
kingdoms_not_exist = Saloniki, Athens, Latins

rename_kingdom = Byzantia
add_gold = 20000
add_piety = 1000
add_books = 500
add_power = 3
join_realms = Cyprus, Cappadocia, Rum, Kilikia, Crete
change_flag = 984337
change_politcolor = 48

unfortunately somehow I can't work with the editor, I find it impossible to save the changes so I can't use the editor.

Also it is impossible to have more units in the game (even now I had to remove spahis to have Turkic Tarkans there)

I will wait what will be in the patch and then maybe continue.

I will be very happy if modding will be unnecessary after the patch so my mod will be only about new units and some changes ganging the gameplay closer to my style of playing rather then making the game challenging

30-09-2006, 18:16
In other words you will continue your work when the patch is ready ?
Such a pity about the editor i read the thread :nono:

30-09-2006, 20:15
Yes. :angel:
btw, for comparison, here are units stats from Holy Rome1.7 little fixed.

I start with cavalry units by categories.
Light cavalry:
cavalry 5 120 0 20 0 10 20 800 100 100% 700 70 120 stable,horses,swordsmith defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted regular
hobilar 10 140 0 20 0 10 20 800 70 150% 800 70 120 stable,horses,spear master defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest hobilar
camel 10 80 0 20 0 10 20 700 70 200% 600 60 110 swordsmith,armory,stable defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest desert cavalry
desert 15 120 0 20 0 30 30 700 100 100% 500 70 140 stable,horses,spear master,armory defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest desert cavalry

PS: "camel" = camel riders, desert = desert cavalry

Horse archers:
horse 80 55 15 5 100,40 20 800 100 100% 600 250,600 70 120 stable,fletcher,horses defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted ranged units
mongol 15 100 70 20 15 200,80 30 600 80 200% 800 250,650 70 140 stable,horses,fletcher,swordsmith defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest desert cavalry
steppe 25 120 65 20 10 200,120 30 800 120 200% 900 200,600 70 140 stable,horses,fletcher,swordsmith,chain mail defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted regular
bulgar 25 160 60 25 10 250,140 25 1200 100 200% 900 200,600 70 140 stable,horses,fletcher,swordsmith,chain mail defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2
turkmen 40 180 60 20 10 220,130 25 1400 100 200% 900 180,580 65 120 stable,horses,fletcher,swords master,scale armor autocharge,defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_for est mounted regular
PS: horse = horse archer, steppe = stepe cavalry

Medium cavalry:
pronoi 25 150 0 20 0 40 20 800 70 150% 800 70 120 stable,horses,scale armor,spear master defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 1
mameluk 30 140 0 15 0 60 20 500 50 100% 700 70 120 +1 stable,chain mail,horses,swords master defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest desert cavalry
ghulam 35 200 0 30 5 20 20 1000 200 200% 800 70 120 stable,scale armor,halberd master,horses defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest desert cavalry
boyar 35 180 0 30 0 30 20 1200 100 200% 800 70 120 +1 stable,scale armor,armory,spear master,horses defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2
PS: ghulam = ghulam cavalry

Heavy cavalry:

knight guard 40 250 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 100% 70 120 +4 knight
knight unit 40 250 0 40 0 0 15 0 0 100% 70 120 +5 knight
turkic tarkan 40 180 60 20 10 220,130 25 1400 100 200% 900 180,580 65 120 stable,horses,fletcher,swords master,scale armor autocharge,defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_for est mounted regular
crusader 45 220 0 30 0 60 25 2000 150 200% 1000 70 120 +3 plate armor,swords master,horses,stable defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2
hospitalier 45 220 0 30 0 35 25 1200 150 200% 800 70 130 +5 stable,chain main,swords master,horses,hospital require_catholic,defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_ in_forest mounted elite 1
nakharar 50 220 0 30 0 20 20 1200 150 200% 1000 65 120 +2 stable,scale armor,swords master,horses autocharge,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2
feudal knight 55 220 0 30 0 50 20 1500 150 200% 1000 70 120 +3 plate armor,swords master,horses,stable autocharge,defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_for est mounted elite 1
cataphract 55 240 0 30 0 20 20 1400 200 200% 1000 60 110 +2 stable,scale armor,swords master,horses,spear master defence_low_in_forest,attack_low_in_forest mounted elite 2
knight unit = knight, turkic tarkan is turkic tarkan, but code name is turkmen

14-10-2006, 05:23
look Elvain Im really not good with computers sooo can you tell me how to make back up files?? ohhh and how do you make your own mod???plz

14-10-2006, 09:52
easily. Backup them means to save them somewhere else, the best is to create a folder which is called "backup"

to make own mod use PakMan (you need it to install my mod anyway) and modify the files.
Look into "What can you edit and where" thread and there you'll see how to edit what and what can be the result...

good luck :go:

14-11-2006, 15:01
Elvain, a few problems I faced when playing your mod (It might not be from your mod though, as I didn't try to play the vanilla version).

Anyway, here it goes:

1. Let's say I have a king named... John. His queen is named Mary. They have a girl. When the girl grows up, her name is Mary and the queen name is changed to Alice. When they have another girl and she grows up her name is Mary, her older sister is Alice and the queen name is Anne. (This is not really a problem for me, but I happened to notice it.)
2. Spy flood. I have a vassal. I send my spies into his realm then I give him a fair amount of gold pieces. He hires one or some of my spies but after a few moments, the hired spy returns to my court. Is that normal? (This is quite annoying as I tend to do the merchant - vassal thingie :D)

I switched to vanilla to see if these problems occur, but I didn't have a lot of time on my hands to test this, but I'll keep you informed.

Oh, I forgot. Great mod! Congratulations! :cheers:

14-11-2006, 15:13
1. Sometimes KoH mixes up names and renames persons of the royal family. Might just be a problem with KoH itself.
2. Yes, I use that strategy myself. When the Ai runs out of money it removes some of it's knights if they are too expensive. Thus your spy returns to your court when he's dismissed.
To counter this you can open the informations of that nation and look at your target's treasury. If the treasury goes close to zero just donate some more money. That way you can keep your spy in the target's court until the desired action has succeeded (or your spy fails and you only get his head back...)

@HR itself: On request I translated a part of the first post in this thread with the installation-guide to german here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=13200). So if anyone has a hard time understanding the english instructions you can read them up in germen there. I hope you don't mind that, Elvain. :go:


14-11-2006, 17:16
Thanks, for help, Angryminer. Of course I don't mind :go:

I think both questions were well answered by Angryminer. Just to say, I really have no idea how the first problem could be connected with the mod

15-11-2006, 07:08
Thank you both for your help. :go:

05-12-2006, 13:39
I just realized that the download doesn't work anymore.. it was deleted just before 600th download

I will make a new download with a bit updated version as soon as possible...

23-12-2006, 16:01
Elvain, I wanted to complement you on your job with Holy Rome. I've made mods for Europa Universalis II, so I know how difficult it can be.

It seems to me that it is rather too easy to maintain a happy populace. I rarely ever have any revolt risk, and simply adopt the populations of new provinces immediately. In order to let there be at least a little revolt risk initially in new provinces, I bumped the Nostalgia max value up to -5, preventing me from adopting the provinces immediately. Is there a way to also add a monetary cost to the "adopt population" option? Right now, it seems to be far to easy to adopt the population--essentially, that seems tantamount to changing the culture of the province.

I do note that the AI has a terrible time keeping the population happy--why is this? Too many wars? Building the wrong buildings first? I can't quite figure it out.

In the last game, I was attempting to gain all kingdom advantages. Unfortunately, it seems that the AI does not produce some on its own--illustrated books being the prime example. I had to conquer an appropriate province, demolish some buildings, and rebuild the library, university and other necessary buildings to get the Illustrated Books. Is there a way to make it so the Admiralty (for instance) can obtain the books (like in the vanilla game) but leave in the game the path to illustrated books that you put in (that is, have to paths to the resource?). I was considering modifying some building to act as the super trade center, allowing multiple goods to be gained there (or even "produced") but at an exhorbitant cost. This would allow players not in range of the producing provinces (that the AI probably will not develop) to obtain them at a cost.

Another question: why do a number of provinces in the Northern Germany area have no province resources? Surely such a rich area had at least some!

Well, that's enough questions for now...

Good job!

23-12-2006, 16:10
1. Resources are generated randomly. There is no historic influence at all. Your poor northern germany was just a matter of bad luck. Next game start it'll be different.
2. The AI doesn't take strategic decisions. It randomly does what it can do.
Can it adopt people in the town where the cleric currently is? If so, adopt. If not, look for something else to do. Nothing to do? Do nothing.
Can it construct a building? If so, find out how many are currently affordable. Build a random one of those.
That's why the AI is so weak. It just isn't aware of the rebelion risk. It's a matter of pure luck if it manages to reduce it. That's why nostalgia is such a burden to the AI. In my mod I removed nostalgia, because in the medieval age there was no significant nationalism. That helped the AI a lot and Elvain picked that concept up (Elvain and I have been supporting each other a lot with ideas for our mods).
