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18-03-2006, 18:17
Holy Rome 1.7 version is done

download it here:
Holy Rome 1.7 (http://www.badongo.com/file/315678)
HR1.7mapchanges (http://www.badongo.com/file/316514)
or here is alternative source:
Holy Rome 1.7 (http://download.sunflowers.de/community/koh_elvain_hr.1.7.zip)
HR 1.7mapchanges (http://download.sunflowers.de/community/koh_elvain_hr.1.7_mapchanges.zip)

Basic description:
The mod is furthest version of my modding attempts and testing, though it is still imperfect. The goal of the mod is to improve historical accurancy and gameplay. This version improves the AI behaviour so it is more economicaly wise, builds up stronger units and uses much more espionage than ever before. The final effect is that it is harder to fight AI armies on the battlefield as it uses better units.
- It contains 7 new units(assassins, byzantian spearmen, bulgars, hospitaliers, mameluk infantry, nakharars and turkic tarkans) and one unit (Spahias) is sacrifised. Unit squads are more numerous since 1.6 version and also units armour is improved.
- There are many new kingdoms on the maps in each of the periods and also many new quests. Just to mention some:
early:http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6158/hr17early9xs.th.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17early9xs.jpg)
Normans (Robert guiscard's mercenaries can unite kingdom of Sicily), Prussia, Carinthia, Volga Bulgaria replaces incorrect khanate of Kazan, armenian kingdoms of Ani and Vaspourakan can unite kingdom of Armenia
other kingdoms like Zeta, Bulgaria and Lotharingia got hostorically more accurate positions
high:http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1538/hr17high1nm.th.jpg (http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17high1nm.jpg)
Italy and Germany replced by Holy Roman empire and rival in league of Lombardy. France has new vasals in Flanders and Tolouse, Teutonic order has to fight Prussia, Jerusalem has extended it's territory to Lebanon, but has to face full strength of Salladin's Ayyubid empire, Slejuks are called sight: Sultanate of Rum, principalities of Smolensk and Suzdal joined atmozation of Russia
late:http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/5585/hr17late5kk.th.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17late5kk.jpg)
Fragmentation of Germany deepened, duchy of Bavaria and Carinthia joined the map, Gelre replaced by more correct and interesting Holland and Flandre (burgundian vasals), Ireland is united, Armenia moves to Cilicia where it belongs in this period, Serbia has recieved independent church

- many of provinces got more correct names
- exotic goods are transformed to valuable goods so Ai can finally get the kingdom advantages without removing anything from the game
they are produced in normal buildings:
gems->jewels - in jewelry (override of silver mine)
amber - in amber collector (override of hunters' huts)
silk->brocade - in brocader (override of tailor, requires also silver)
ivory - in merchant guild (override of market)
spices - in admirality (newly requires also market)
sugar - in bakery
ebony->wooden tools in toolsmith

2. Installation
To install the mod you need to have programm called PakMan(downloadable in http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3255)
before you install the mod,make backups of defs.pak,europe.pak and texts.pak!!(I recomend to create "Knights of Honor\backup" folder and move them there

Use PakMan (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3255):
1) make backup of the files: Knights of Honor/packs/defs.pak, europe.pak and texts.pak
2) run PakMan
3) open defs.pak
4a) right-click on any file in defs.pak
4b) follow: extract all files - to original directories (look at PakMan.jpg in the pack how to do it exactly)
5) do the same (step 4a and 4b) with europe.pak and texts.pak (and then close PakMan, you won't need it)
6) look that you have now new folders in your KoH directory (there shuold be following: defs, images, maps, movies, packs, system, Texts
7) decomprime HR mod
8) copy the files from HR mod to your KoH directory - files from HR/defs should replace files in your Knights of Honor/defs etc.
9) check if the files are copied in right places (for example try to open Knights of Honor/defs/Quests and there should be now much more files. First 3 (in alphabetical order) should be questinfo.ini, unite_alexandria.ini and unite_algiers.ini
10) check if there are new foldera in your KoH directory (Knights of Honor/images and Knights of Honor/movies) which were not there before you installed the mod (so now there should be following folders: defs, images, maps, movies, packs, system, Texts)
check also Installation1jpg and instalation-defs-quests.jpg if your mod is installed right - your folders should include same folders/files as are on the pics
11) run Knights of Honor and enjoy it

steps 3-5 are done in PakMan

4. Uninstallation
a) Remove the "defs", "images", "maps", "movies" and the "Texts" directories from your KoH-folder
b) In PakMan, open backup .pak files(europe.pak, defs.pak and Texts.pak) extract all files into original directories, or move all these 3 .pak files back to "Knights of Honor\paks"

5. Hints and basic recomendations
As soon as you have started a new game, press the pause-key and look at the new prices and make yourself comfortable with the new values in the game. Also check that some provinces are renamed now, so many of them can be found somewhere else than before

When you start a game, pause the game by pause key and look at political view. Before you start to trade, find which kingdoms have market already built and try to sign Trade agreements preferably with them.
Then build toolsmith and bakery as soon as possible as they will provide you new valuable trade goods.
Check where new units are available

6. Suggestions
If you have any suggestion, report it on the KoH-forums at http://forum.sunflowers.de. Any comments are appretiated.

List of changes will be in the next post.

Mapchanges of Holy Rome 1.7 are attached in this post

Have fun with the mod :go:

18-03-2006, 18:18
List of changes:

in order of modified files: (in brackets how important the change is in comparison to HR 1.6 version)

defs\economy\advantages.in2 (medium change)
- lowered bonuses outcoming from kingdom advantages
- lowered requirements for some ot KAs

defs\economy\ai_build.in2 (minor change)
- AI made to build better military buildings sooner than in vanilla

defs\economy\buildings.in2 (big change)
- new buildings added: Temple, hospital (since 1.6), Jewelry, brocader, amber collector (since 1.7)
- changed building requirements and products
- former exotics are produced in buildings as valuable goods:
gems->jewels - in jewelry (override of silver mine)
amber - in amber collector (override of hunters' huts)
silk->brocade - in brocader (override of tailor, requires also silver)
ivory - in merchant guild
spices - in admirality (newly requires also market)
sugar - in bakery
ebony->wooden tools in toolsmith

defs\economy\exotics.in2 (total change)
- exotic goods removed (transformed to valuable goods in valuables.in2)

defs\economy\town_templates.in2 (minor change)
- AI motivated to build advanced buildings sooner. Some new towns added among "pre-set" towns

defs\economy\units.in2 (large change)
- new units listed

defs\economy\valuables.in2 (large change)
- former exotics moved to valuables are listed here

defs\happiness\hconst.in2 (medium change)
- war exhaustion lowered to max -6
- peace recovery shortened
- increased happiness penalty of plundered villages (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- nostalgy reduced to max -2
- no tax happiness bonus lowered (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- penalty of diferent religion lowered, penalty of conversion increased
- lowered hapiness profit from positive KingdomPower (copied from Glory of God mod!)

defs\Knights\educatecosts.in2 (large change)
- changed book costs of education of knights to motivate AI to educate preferably clerics and merchants
- Spy can be educated up to lvl 4, to reach level he needs action

defs\Knights\menu.in2 (minor change)
- all infiltrated spies can be further educated
- all spies governors can arrange annexions

defs\Knights\skills.in2 (minor change)
- effects of skills lowered, only plundering profit increased

defs\Knights\spies.ini (minor change)
- in several spy actions importance of king's skill was lowered

defs\Misc\claim.in2 (no change)
- conditions of claiming land adjusted to make claims more possible, especially when there is Trade or NA agreement

defs\Misc\econst.in2 (very large change)
- trade: trade income now relies on number of markets of trading partner and economical strenght (number of trading goods) of trading kingdom
- relations: effects of agreements/disagreements support stronger and firmer alliances
- changed upkeeps of most knights' proffessions
- adjusted cost of hiring knights. Together with the previous change to motivate AI to use more knight knights generaly, especially clerics and merchants
- KP increases changed. KP is now rather kingdom reputation - positive KP means negative gold effect (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- KP decreases - claming independency or granting independency has positive effect as those are acts of honour, other edited not to harm AI so heavily
- marshals' experience grows slower (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- max resources (books and piety) limit increased to 1200
- taxes copied from Glory of God mod
- start gold is now 2500
- in conversions importance of kings' skill is lowered on account of clerics' experience (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- adjusted emperor vote values
- crusader values increased to have more crusades in the game. Pahgans are target no.1, muslims target no.2

defs\Misc\personalities.in2 (large change)
- improved AI behaviour in diplomacy and espionage
- AI is much more agressive, uses more espionage, is more honorable and uses more diplomacy
- generaly the character of AI is set to be more challenging

- AI needs lower morale to retreat from battle (copied from Glory of God mod!)

defs\Quests\unite_england.in2 (no change)
- quest enabled also to english earldoms

defs\Quests\unite_XXX.in2 (large change)
- many new quests added to the game

defs\Rebels\rconst.in2 (medium but important change)
- rebel experience grows faster (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- increased probability of rebellion (copied from Glory of God mod!)
- max rebels/loaylists number per province increased
- max rebels/loyalists number per kingdom and map reduced (max 1 loyalist per kingdom)
- edited number of rebel squads
- fortify times changes copied from Glory of God mod

defs\religion\modifiers.in2 (medium change)
- religious parametres adjusted. The highest bonuses/penalties reduced
- the biggest change happened in orthodox kingdoms as they tended to disapear from the game after several hours

defs\Spies\infiltrate.in2 (no change)
- increased spy experience from infiltration

defs\Units\Military\army_units.in2 (large change!)
- new units listed

defs\Units\Military\assassin, bulgar, byzantian, hospitaliercav, moorish, nakharar, turkmen.unit (total change)
- files needed for new units

defs\Units\Military\mp_metagroups.ini (large change)
- new units added to their cultures

defs\Units\Military\units.txt and units.xls (very large change!)
- units' stats changed:
- incresed defense of units that require armouries
- invincibility of Teutonic knights and longbowmen reduced as more units reached close to their level
- new units added

- shortened AI decission intervals
- increased number of attacking and defending AI armies, especially on normal and hard level
- vastly increased probability to have last castle attacked by the AI

*replace by name of kingdom(armenia, aragon etc.)
**replace by number of period: 800/1000/1200
- in most of those only minor changes
- names of kings, princes and queens edited to be more historicaly accurate - for some of thoes changes my thanks belong to Xuca and Traveller

maps\europe\kings\kingdoms.ini (medium change)
- new kingdoms listed

maps\europe\knights\turkish.in2 (in all only minor changes)
- new cultures added, some of existing edited - for many of those changes my thanks belong to Xuca and Finellach

maps\europe\knights\regions_800.ini (minor changes as most was already done in previous versions)
- adjusted spread of "nationalities" of knights
- adjusted spread of religions in diferent periods - both to be more historicaly accurate

maps\europe\map\kingdoms_800.ini (minor changes as most was already done in previous versions)
- new kingdoms added
- changed distribution of provinces/religion among kingdoms
- changed titles and banners of several kingdoms - all to better historical accurancy

maps\europe\map\towns.ini (no change since 1.6)
- listed names of towns that differ from province names

maps\europe\map\TrainUnits.xls (large changes)
- edited distribution of units on the map and spread of kingdom special units

maps\europe\map\vassals.ini (minor changes)
- edited vasal relationships for better historical accurancy

maps\europe\politmap\kingdomnamepos2.in2 (minor changes)
- ettings of coordinates of kingdomnames layout on the politmap

Texts\economy\buildings.ini and buildings;2.ini (medium changes)
- new buildings listed to place their names in game

Texts\economy\valuables.tsv (large change)
- converted exptic goods listed in valuables list

Texts\economy\valuablesdesc.ini (large change)
- descriptions of converted exptics added

Texts\knights\eu_knights;2.tsv /minor changes)
- listed new knights' names

Texts\knights\titles;more.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- listed new titles

Texts\map\eu_kingdomdescr.txt (minor changes)
- new kingdoms' descriptions added

Texts\map\eu_realms;2.tsv (minor changes)
- names of kingdoms and provinces renamed, listed new kingdoms

Texts\map\eu_towns;2.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- renamed towns and listed new town names that differ from province names

Texts\map\kingdoms.tsv (no change since 1.6)
- new titles of kingdoms listed

Texts\religion\misionary.ini (no change since 1.6)
- copied from Glory of God mod

18-03-2006, 19:13
Great job man :go: :cheers:

18-03-2006, 19:28
Looks good. Impressive list of changes. :go:


18-03-2006, 19:55
cool, I guess I have to stop my current game but hopefully this will be harder. it sounds like the AI can compete better. I also must say I like the new screen shots on how things should look in pack man and what files all look like, could have used them back at 1.4 took me a couple hours to figure it out :p

but it is installed so I am off to try it out, will let you know what I think and if it really is harder.

18-03-2006, 20:01
Everything's great but i can't find the new units from 1.6 ( Baltic Cavalery, hospitalier ). Did you remove them?

18-03-2006, 20:53
Baltic cavalry is removed, it is in the community pack, hospitaliers are there but no longer as infantry, but cavalry unit now.

You can use units from community units pack, but need to replace some of units in the mod as the game is able to accept no more than 6 new units..

btw, I almost forgot to put there screenshots of starting screens of each period, so here they are with little delay:
http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/6158/hr17early9xs.th.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17early9xs.jpg) http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1538/hr17high1nm.th.jpg (http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17high1nm.jpg) http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/5585/hr17late5kk.th.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hr17late5kk.jpg)

18-03-2006, 21:31
Elvain, your new setup sounds very interesting to me ... just dl'ed your 1.7 and will test it soon, thanks for your hard work.

And i see, you found my hints/links for hosting mod-/image files, good sites, aren't they?

18-03-2006, 21:40
Yes, DaVinci :go:

I found them.

I knew Imageshack but not those for hosting files...
thanks :cheers:

18-03-2006, 22:02
Ah, long expected, most wanted - great work Elvain! The map changes look good, I'll implement them as soon as possible, too.

I'll have a look at your gamefiles too - I'm curious what your AI building et cetera now say.

19-03-2006, 01:24
here is something odd that happened while playing today, I started as the HRE and had some rebels formed fairly early, it took a long time for me to get two them so they got a little tougher. My army attacked and lost, I rebuilt them and tried again and lost, then as I was rebuliding the next one I saw they were camped, with 4 stars and had fortifed camp, I then moved another army over to help and next thing I knew the rebels were gone.

this really does not upset me much seeing as they had hospitaliers and feudal knights, but they still just disappeard. I did make an inn and the got happier is that why they left?

I have never encountered this before but then again I usually stop local rebels before they get out of hand any.

one last question, how can I make the HRE appear black instead of yellow? not sure why but it bugged me, I found a file that had the poltical colors of nations and set the HRE to like 255 which was the same as the pelatinets in the late age, but it just made the HRE orange, not a biggy just a personal preference :p

19-03-2006, 01:39
To the rebels problem:
There is number of rebels allowed in the game. So if in some other province a rebellion had to start as the rebellion risk was simply too high and your rebellion risk decreased increasingly, they probably should disapear.
But in no of my testing games they disapeared so unexpected, but mostly when I built a hospital and a hostel andimproved happines incresingly

the color problem: did you touch the files? coz in the mod HRE colour is 181, including all the quests :scratch:
if you wish it to be black, use colours of another black kingdoms: Kiev(238) and Georgia (but Georgia has it too, so use Kiev). 255 is somehow universal colour. I myself am curious how is it possible that kingdoms with 255 have always the same colour

19-03-2006, 01:57
thank you for both things elvain

as for the rebles I only had like 3 due to a tax collector, made an inn with the bonus KA so i to -1, I guess it was enough to help

and seems I was on the right track to get the color changed just looked at a random color thing, look better too in my opinion :)

19-03-2006, 08:17
Well, so was the reason just the tax collector? you built it or it was already built? no increased taxes? probably not I guess...

19-03-2006, 11:24
Rebels always have a reason for a rebellion. Be it wrong religion, nostalgia or unhappyness. The rebels stay until the reason is gone. In your case, you removed their reason for the uprising and so they all went home.

And yes, rebels do spawn when the rebelion risk is 1%.


20-03-2006, 21:20
I put another path for download in the first post...

21-03-2006, 21:05
Great work! Will definately try this out.

One question though...
If you put more than 6 units, the game will crash?

21-03-2006, 21:14
do you mean units or armies? I have 4 armies with at least 9 units each right now. if you mean have more than 6 marshals I am not sure but unless the are mostly members of the royal family you will be hard pressed to afford more than 3, the mod make them really expencive.

21-03-2006, 21:21
Raider meant units that are not in the vanilla (in this mod there are 7 new units but Spahias are removed)

The game will crash whenever you put more than the certain number of units = number of units in vanilla + 6

If you cross this number, the game won't even run

You can have even 9 marshals in your royal court if your kingdom is wealthy enough to afford it :biggrin:

24-03-2006, 19:04
Uhm, I'm not sure if I should post it here, but it's also connected with HRE 1.7, so:
I have talked with Elvain some time ago to start translating the game to Bulgarian. Of course, it's too much work, so we decided to translate only some parts of it as a beginning. And then my comp burnt and it all nearly died. But when I had the possibility, I continued work slowly and slowly, so now, when I have some net access, I decided to upload what I've done for now (and maybe for a long time I won't be able to do anything else). I've translated some of the descriptions of the buildings, trade goods, units, knight names and titles, realms and kingdoms. To "install" it, just download the zip file from some of the links below and copy the files from the directories inside to the corresponding game directories. NOTE that I haven't tested it and I don't know how/if it works! Oh, and also a tip: Copy (back-up) somewhere the original game files, just in case something doesn't go well, so that you could copy them back! I hope that it will be of use and/or fun to someone else beside me!

Link 1 (http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=57478)
Link 2 (http://www.badongo.com/file/353247)
Link 3 (http://rapidshare.de/files/16320099/KoH_HRE_Mod_1-7_BG_0-8_beta.zip.html)