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05-04-2004, 21:44
I saw in one of the screens where it shows the royal family. Byzantine I believe. In it it shows an orthodox cross to denote some sort of trait. Does this mean that religion will play a larger part in KOH than previously thought?:angel:

05-04-2004, 22:11
Much larger ... :)

05-04-2004, 22:21
Hmm, I hope the pope doesn't mind my pillaging of his Europe!:cheers: And while I'm at it I should ask Allah for forgiveness as well as my Irish longbowmen shall be marching through the arab lands! :dwink:

Any comments on how religion will play a big part?

05-04-2004, 22:44
Uhmm .. :) Stright to the point, huh? Please, give us more time to prepare ourseves and we will anounce all of it.

But, at least, yes, the Pope would mind usually.

06-04-2004, 02:43
Sounds cool- glad to hear there will be further complications to the strategy involved! :)

06-04-2004, 03:18
i'm quite excited to know about this whole religion issue - they have really held their card close to their bodies on this one......maybe it's because they *cough* don't know *cough, cough* themselves *cough* how it's *cough* going to *cough* work *cough* :rolleyes:

Who knows, who cares - as lond as it's going to workout in the end :)

06-04-2004, 03:21
Well then get them some COUGH SYRUP! Because the june (crossed fingers) release is killing me:yawn:

06-04-2004, 03:43
ooooh, I can't wait for a taste of this game.....I want to put my hands over it. :bowl:

Krum The Terrible
06-04-2004, 14:44
Religion as factor-cool. Bulgarian orthodox spy as a pope-cooler.
All catholic kings burned, becouse they don't want to give their land to the papacy-the coolest:angel: :angry: :angry: :angel:

01-05-2004, 14:56
So. Thanks to angryminer. We know that our cleric can become a pope.

My question: how can I force some of my clerics to become a pope?
is he voted by collegium of other kings' clerics (catholic only, ofcourse :))

and if he's once voted, what is his status?
is he the one who controlls Vatican/Rome as separate kingdom?
How does pope affect ruler of Rome?
can pope call crusade against some powerfull ruler who is trying to conquere Rome?
Can the king owning Rome influence pope's policy more than other kings?can a king ruling in Rome influence election of a pope more or the same like other kings?

thanks and sorry for so many questions

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 15:04
Frujin, I read the article in Gamers' Workshop - it explored some of the religion importance, still will you make drastic changes to what was announced there or will you keep in the lines of what was described in that article?

Kuno of Gersenau
01-05-2004, 15:08

I only know that the king can say to HIS pope that he should call a crusade...

How the pope get voted, about this Frank is also silent in the german Forum...

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 15:12
Originally posted by Elewyn
So. Thanks to angryminer. We know that our cleric can become a pope.

My question: how can I force some of my clerics to become a pope?
is he voted by collegium of other kings' clerics (catholic only, ofcourse :))

and if he's once voted, what is his status?
is he the one who controlls Vatican/Rome as separate kingdom?
How does pope affect ruler of Rome?
can pope call crusade against some powerfull ruler who is trying to conquere Rome?
Can the king owning Rome influence pope's policy more than other kings?can a king ruling in Rome influence election of a pope more or the same like other kings?

thanks and sorry for so many questions

Sorry I posted blindly the first time...
Well in that article I mentioned it's stated that only royal Cleric can take the position of the pope (that is of course when the actual one passes to Heaven). There will be two resources - Faith and Literacy which will play a major role in the game and would be under the influence of the Cleric. And next this royal person may change the faith each province has.
I also read of a certain trait of the invaded provinces - Nationalism (their desire to break free from the current rule and return to their own ways). And if you have a high rate of Nationalism you get rebellions in this province - loyalists oppose your domination with the desire to bring back the previous regimen. That'd be one of the roles of this Cleric to stop such silly desires in a peaceful way.

PS: Sorry I haven't checked with the official site about the names - Royal Cleric, Faith, Literacy... so excuse my translation !

01-05-2004, 16:53
you probably mean piety and knowledge(resources).

thanks. But it was little on the edge of my question. I'm curious on players influence of pope's election, especially ruler of Rome

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 17:04
Yeah, thx for correcting me, I'm sorry I misunderstood your question and just shot out what I know.
On behalf of pope's election - no he'd be chosen by the computer among royal Clerics who are at the least 5th level, or respectively a spy acting as a Cleric.

01-05-2004, 17:09
No need to sorry, you gave some useful info! :cheers:

can you post a link to that article?

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 17:14
Nope, mate :( It was for privileged Bulgarian public posted in one of our game magazines. The article is about 6 pages containing a short interview with Mr. Handjiev.
If you wish I will translate some of the major points that are discussed there given the fact that I'm a newby and some issues might have been brought up here that I have no knowledge of. ;)

01-05-2004, 17:18
I can't ask you for anything like this. Six pages are six pages. Keep your privilegue :) Maybe Frujin will reveal it some time later. Or at least parts of it :)

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 17:24
No preoblem mate I'll not translate the whole article just some major points some early stats, etc. just to practice my "sleepy" English ;) And I know Frujin is quite busy as well so why not help him a bit.
I'll just need some time to do my task and it'll be in a new thread to avoid confusion with this one.

PS: I'm looking forward Czech R. - Bulgaria friendly game :D

02-05-2004, 14:40
:go: thanks :cheers:

another question, can muslim religious leader (kaliph?) call jihad?
I don't ask this question about orthodox church and crusades, nor about pagans (I doubt pagans have any religious leader) because there was nothing like crusades/jihad in those religious fractions

I have also question about orthodox leaders. There was nobody like the pope in orthodox church, patriarch in Constantinople and local/national patriarchs also. So will orthodox church follow the scheme of history or more it will be better for game: one leader in Constantinople?