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02-02-2007, 15:55

Just be patient, modders are working on it, and it hasn't been that long since the patch so they are still figuring out what's new that can be changed and all that. I'm sure we'll see a tougher game as these mods do appear. Right now I'm just enjoying the patch, I must not be that good because It's giving me a hard enough time right now :wink: ...I like to play the one province nations, it's fun to try and build up with that.

02-02-2007, 15:59

Just be patient, modders are working on it, and it hasn't been that long since the patch so they are still figuring out what's new that can be changed and all that. I'm sure we'll see a tougher game as these mods do appear. Right now I'm just enjoying the patch, I must not be that good because It's giving me a hard enough time right now :wink: ...I like to play the one province nations, it's fun to try and build up with that.

Oh, I know. :biggrin: I don't expect an overnight fix. This all was just my attempt to throw in my 2 cents so that some ideas could be formed. Thanks! :cheers:


02-02-2007, 16:02
can enemy rebels plunder your villages too?

02-02-2007, 17:57
Marcuso, I don't know if you know some magical spell to learn AI to use even more armies than now.

If yes, I'm looking forward to see it in your mod. Yet neither me, nor Laudan nor any other modder found the way. If you find it, you have my respect

02-02-2007, 18:47
Marcuso, I don't know if you know some magical spell to learn AI to use even more armies than now.

If yes, I'm looking forward to see it in your mod. Yet neither me, nor Laudan nor any other modder found the way. If you find it, you have my respect

I was actually hoping that someone who has been modding KoH for a while could get together with me and brainstorm as to some ways to improve difficulty. It was really just an idea I was throwing around; if it isn't feasible, you tell me. I've never modded KoH before nor do I claim to know anything about it. Like I've said, I'm just trying to get some assistance from the modding gurus of the forum.


02-02-2007, 19:04
There is only one way to make the things you demand possible:
set up different marshall expanses for player nad AI.

ATM I'm trying to give the player larger money "penalty" and money bonus to the AI in hard but still it doesn't work as I'd like it to.

Othher thing is to enable large Ai kingdoms to have cheaper KP increase, because they have big financial problems with it.

RIght now I'm testing smaller impact of KP on kingdom finances, we'll see

02-02-2007, 21:24
There is only one way to make the things you demand possible:
set up different marshall expanses for player nad AI.

ATM I'm trying to give the player larger money "penalty" and money bonus to the AI in hard but still it doesn't work as I'd like it to.

Othher thing is to enable large Ai kingdoms to have cheaper KP increase, because they have big financial problems with it.

RIght now I'm testing smaller impact of KP on kingdom finances, we'll see

I feel like those things will make a big difference. I think that if the AI can purchase marshals and upkeep them for cheaper than the player, the AI is more likely to attack more. It may sound good on paper, but we'll see how it actually turns out.

I'm eager to know how the mod works out. This is what I had hoped to achieve when I initially posted...I'm glad to know you have some ideas about what to do in improving the challenge.



02-02-2007, 21:45
I was actually hoping that someone who has been modding KoH for a while could get together with me and brainstorm as to some ways to improve difficulty. ...

Does anyone know, in which one of the Paks the bonuses for AI are stored?

I remember earlier mods, sporting really strong! rebel leaders. It might be an idea to have AI marshals default to be 3 star marshals, when hired, so mid-game and end-game battles are still interesting.

03-02-2007, 13:05
Parachute, it is in the defs/globals or dificulty.in2

Marcuso. Those ideas would be great, but it is impossible to set up some diference between the Ai and player in cases of marshals upkeep, number of units per squad etc.
In everything except the general income, AI and player have equal settings.

The Patch changed at least this and it really makes diference. But ...