View Full Version : 1602 Weihnachtswettbewerb / Christmas Contest
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Good question, Budgie :biggrin:
I think there's a kind of mouserollovertext included. :wink:
30-12-2004, 23:38
@Frieden: You probably placed the fishing hut as I did. ;) I wondered for half an hour why the productivity was at 0-30%... Until I noticed that the fishing grounds were from the other island. My fishers would not touch foreign waters. :biggrin:
The instruction really says deep water. 'berz' (fofficial strategy book) too.
@ Roadrunner ... I placed it at the open ocean, eastern side. The fisher denied coming out. Annophil annophil, what did you to to us :wink:
I too have been doing some calculating, but I am going to kind of play it as I go. I have ideas of what I want to do if it turns out feasible.
31-12-2004, 10:06
@Frieden: I built one fishing hut at a place where two of the big islands meet. The fishing grounds (you will see the relevant information at the status bar when you move the mouse pointer there) are rich - but they are from the next big island. When I built a second fishing hut even nearer to the other island, no fisherman came out - and I saw my fault. :smile: But you are right - the big islands have poor fishing grounds. However, there are lots of 50% islands nearby... :D
BTW you are also right concerning the manual. I never understood why the "dark blue water" is the medium blue one in my game... ;) :D
31-12-2004, 11:00
so take the 50% islands as youre fishing grounds - dont forget to protect with warships and perhaps some guard towers on nearby land.
For fishing huts guardtowers?
I think they wouldn't attacked from the cg's or the ki.
AFAIR fishinghuts are a good alternate to keep opponents away.
In one scenario i build fishinghuts around the hole island. (It was a 5.000 Ari-island) My opponent don't attack this island.
31-12-2004, 12:25
I placed fisher huts just in front of the deep blue see - the fisher doesn't come ut. 0 %
Zum Thema Fischgründe
Der Übergang vom Land zur tiefen See geht über folgende Stufen:
1. Land keine Fische
2. Böschung keine Fische
3. Strand keine Fische
4. seichtes Wasser keine Fische
5. seichtes/mittleres Wasser Fischgrund
6. mittleres Wasser Fischgrund
7. mittleres/tiefes Wasser Fischgrund
8. tiefes Wasser keine Fische
Fischfang ist also weder direkt am Ufer noch im offenen Meer möglich. Bei der Konstruktion eines Inselufers kann man also die Fischergiebigkeit steuern. Wenn man also an die Zone mit seichtem Wasser sofort tiefes wasser anschließt ist Fischen nicht möglich. Hingegen kann man natürlich mit dem dazwischenschalten mehrerer Reihen mittleren Wassers 100% ergiebige Fischgründe schaffen.
Inseln, die zusätzlich zum Außenufer noch zahlreiche Kanäle enthalten, werden also nur wenige ergiebige Fischgründe besitzen. Die bei „Eisenerlei“ verwendeten Hauptinselnwaren ursprünglich für einen nichtvollendeten Osterwettbewerb gedacht und etwas anders aneinandergefügt. Dabei habe ich leider übersehe, dass die ehemaligen Nahtstellen nun auch als Bauplatz für ein Kontor in frage kommen.
31-12-2004, 13:04
so take the 50% islands as youre fishing grounds - dont forget to protect with warships and perhaps some guard towers on nearby land.
That would be too much protection, even if there were AI players. ;)
Och, das mit dem Bauplatz ist schon o.k. :pleased:
31-12-2004, 13:41
To the topic of fishing areas
The transition from the country to deep lake goes over the following stages:
1. Country no fish
2nd embankment no fish
3rd beach no fish
4th shallow water no fish
5th shallow/middle water fishing area
6th middle water fishing area
7th middle/deep water fishing area
8th deep water no fish
Fishing is not possible either directly on the bank nor in the open sea.
During the construction of an island bank one can steer the fish productivity. If one places, in the zone, shallow water and then deep water it will not be possible for fish. However one can naturally interpose productive fishing areas with several numbers of middle water to create 100% fishing.
Islands, which contain still numerous channels additionally to the external bank, will possess thus only few productive fischgruende. The main island goods originally for a not-completed Osterwettbewerb, used with "Eisenerlei", meant and somewhat differently adjacent. I have unfortunately survey that now also as building site for a kontor in ask the former seams come.
The last paragraph I am not sure how to reword. I am not sure of it's meaning. Could someone help?
Also if I made a mistake in the begining, please correct me.
31-12-2004, 14:28
The English is your part... ;)
Concerning the last paragraph - I would translate it like that:
Islands that have - in addition to the beach - lots of channels would therefore have only few rich fishing areas. Originally, the main islands used for "Eisenerlei"* were designed for an unfinished Easter Contest, and were put together otherwise. In this new scenario I have overseen that the former connection places of those islands can now be used as building ground for warehouses.
Budgie added that that is ok... ;) :D
*Hm... How translate that scenario name? - Probably with "Irony" or "Ironsoever" to reflect a bit the German wordplay consisting of "iron" and "whatsoever"...
31-12-2004, 20:24
so fishing grounds have been replaced by areas to build warehouses - sounds like a strategically important and sceniro helpful move.
01-01-2005, 02:58
In my understanding, the only tasks are defeat pirates and get all ore right?
Another thing, can someone give me a full translation or patial of the details of the contest, like what kind of points we get and for what we get them for? That would be helpfull, thanks.
O and i wouldnt share ideas about the AI start if i were you. Let them suffer! :angry: :biggrin:
@ Joe, i.m.o. the most important thing is: you do not only need all ore-Islands. You must have as much ore mines as possible and all of them must still be able to produce ore.
01-01-2005, 14:46
I thought that an ore monopoly was needed? If you need a monopoly, then you need all ore islands or the game will not end.
01-01-2005, 15:37
No, the monopoly is not (expressis verbis) demanded. You just have to defeat the pirates, and I suppose the game will end then.
The real problem with this scenario is what Frieden indicated: You need as much working mines as possible (note that the iron ore symbol at the top of the hill should still be visible). OK, they might be at shut down mode, and there could be just one ton of iron ore left, but nevertheless: one mine will cost you $20 per minute if it is shut down, and $60 if it is working. ;)
If I am not mistaken, you have more than 30 islands with iron ore at the map. If you build only one (which is IMHO not enough) on 30 of them, you would have $600 expenses for the mines, plus $450 for the necessary warehouses - i.e. a total of $1,050 per minute. There lies the problem, I think... Even if you have a nice balance in the beginning and probably enough money, you have the problem that you need enough time to build all necessary mines, switch them to sleep mode and defeat the last pirate (to submit a self-ending savegame) without losing the game due to bankrupcy. ;)
Dread Pirate Terry
01-01-2005, 18:36
This is one extremely interesting contest scenario!
It seems to me that the key to completing this scenario is patience & planning.
Quite a few of us , many in fact, are able to complete the scenario.
It seems to me that that means many annoists will be tied for first place.
Is there any other goal that could be used to rank all of those winners?
I don't think that being first to send your winning savegame would be fair as we all have other lives and with the holidays and all it would not work.
Any other ideas?
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, the monopoly is not (expressis verbis) demanded. You just have to defeat the pirates, and I suppose the game will end then.
Sorry to correct you, but annophil said quite clearly:
"Erlangt das Monopol für Eisenerz und vertreibt die Piraten aus dieser Inselwelt."
This means in English:
"Achieve the monopoly on iron ore and run the pirates away from this island world."
O.K.? :smile:
01-01-2005, 19:24
I agree with Budgie. I even used Sir Henry's Goal Editor and it showed that the scenario requires an ore monopoly to finish.
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