View Full Version : 1602 Weihnachtswettbewerb / Christmas Contest
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Ein Szenario beendet sich in dem Augenblick, wenn du alle vorgegebenen Bedingungen erfüllt hast.
Bei Eisenerlei sind das
1. Erzmonopol (d.h. Eroberung aller Inseln mit Erzvorkommen),
2. Vernichtung der Piraten (alle Schiffe und Siedlungen).
Und wenn man das weiß, fängt man an zu überlegen... :dwink:
12-01-2005, 12:53
Das heißt, es beendet sich automatisch, wenn ich alle Piraten vernichtet und alle Inseln mit Erzvorkommen erober thabe...ich dachte die Beendigung hätte uach was mit der Anzahl der Mienen zu tun, die Erz fördern....und da hätte ich dann ja nicht ewusst, wann es endet.....aber bal dist der Contest ja vorbei und Frieden kann es mir erklären...:)
12-01-2005, 12:59
Du mußt halt das Beenden steuern... ;)
Habe gerade mal überlegt. :scratch:
Eigentlich gibt's nur zwei sinnvolle Möglichkeiten dieses Teil zu beenden.
13-01-2005, 23:48
Habe gerade mal überlegt. :scratch:
Eigentlich gibt's nur zwei sinnvolle Möglichkeiten dieses Teil zu beenden.
2 ..... ???
14-01-2005, 00:24
Is this anything I need to know?
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
14-01-2005, 00:30
I have two of the small islands where I heard the announcement that ore was found, but the ore symbols did not appear over the mountains. If I actually get to the point where I have a saved game to submit, how would I prove or indicate that the ore deposites were not depleated? :bconfused
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
14-01-2005, 00:38
Is this anything I need to know?
Google translation:
"Property straight times considers. Actually to terminate gibt's [gives] only two meaningful possibilities this part."
I'm not really sure what it means... I think Frieden might be talking about how to end the scenario...
I have two of the small islands where I heard the announcement that ore was found, but the ore symbols did not appear over the mountains. If I actually get to the point where I have a saved game to submit, how would I prove or indicate that the ore deposites were not depleated? :bconfused
Give annophil an indication so that he can check it when he analyzes your savegame.
Similar things also happened to me:
Ore symbols suddenly disappeared, but when I sailed to the island again, the symbol reappeared.
Some other time I was unable to build a warehouse on a small island. I tried again later, and it worked.
Little bugs, maybe caused by the complexity of this scenario.
As for Frieden: he likes to riddle... :rolleyes: What he said was that actually there are only 2 expedient ways to end this scenario, and he might be right.
... Similar things also happened to me:
Ore symbols suddenly disappeared, but when I sailed to the island again, the symbol reappeared.
As for Frieden: he likes to riddle... :rolleyes: What he said was that actually there are only 2 expedient ways to end this scenario, and he might be right.
The ore symbol problem is unsolved, yes. makes it hard for the s.c.a. to count the islands then.
And riddle ? Yes , there are two ways. I'm surprised - thought this was already clear, or ? The third way would be to set a warehouse on the last ore island, but that wouldn't be a good way 'cause you can't set an ore mine there.
And here I've got an email form annophil I think it's important.I asked how many tools must be left in the mine and he gave me an answer. First the german version to avoid misunderstandings in the translation that follows a bit later:
Frieden:.." nur wann ist eine Mine noch fähig zu fördern ..wenn sie die letzten 1 oder 2 Tonnen fördert, die dann aber nicht mehr ins Kontor kommen können ?
Annophil: nach meiner ... Meinung ist eine Mine noch fähig zu fördern, solange das drehende Erzsymbol vorhanden ist. Ich dachte, dass hätte sich durch lesen anderer Forumsbeiträge weitgehend geklärt, Darum meine späte Antwort ... Beim Auswerten werde ich auch wohl kaum nachforschen, wie viel Tonnen da im Einzelfall noch vorhanden ist.
English (beat me if it's wrong :biggrin:)
I asked if it is okay to left one or two tons of ore in the mine. One or two tons stay there but hey do not come ino the warehouse.
Annophil answered 'yes, it's okay if there is only one or two tons left- He will not check each single mine, he will only check the ore-symbol.
That made my mathematical thoughts suddenly much easier, though it might be too late. However, I haven't read this between the lines until yet and wanted to give this small easier making information to everybody.
14-01-2005, 13:26
Hmmm... in my mines, there are never 1-2t of ore left... The warehouse cart will always get 5t of ore, irrespective if the mine is working or in sleep mode. So, it's the same if you get the last five tons or if you leave them...
Oh, and... save often. Maybe you'll need the extra savegame... ;) :D
As I already indicated, I started to build my mines and thought that within the next two hours the scenario would be ready... When I suddenly noticed something slightly disappointing. I finally decided to restart... ;)
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
15-01-2005, 01:24
Similar things also happened to me:
Ore symbols suddenly disappeared, but when I sailed to the island again, the symbol reappeared.
Some other time I was unable to build a warehouse on a small island. I tried again later, and it worked.
Thank you for the reply, Budgie.:smile:
I went through the same thing: Now the ore symbols have appeared and I have built on the islands. All seems to be ok now.:smile:
16-01-2005, 03:36
Sorry to say folks i will not be entering a scneario for this contest. Im sorry but i have not had the time or energy to put to it. The shortness of energy is due to my sickness of URI and SLI NM(Upper respritory Infection and SLI pneumonia)
16-01-2005, 04:58
I just finished mine and sent it in. :cheers:
I am a bit worried though with all these people restarting the game. I don't know what they noticied at the last minute. :bconfused
I also hope my email goes through ok as I forgot to zip my entry.
17-01-2005, 20:19
I just finished mine and sent it in. :cheers:
I am a bit worried though with all these people restarting the game. I don't know what they noticied at the last minute. :bconfused
I also hope my email goes through ok as I forgot to zip my entry.
The email is ok :biggrin:
Dread Pirate Terry
20-01-2005, 23:06
:halloha: :bconfused :whenitsdo So, how is everyone doing on the contest?
At first I thought, "There has to be more to it than that"
Upon further review I then thought, "Oh, maybe this won't be so easy"
Finally I've come to the conclusion, "That wasn't so tough after all"
What are your observations as you've played it for awhile?
@annophil: Did you receive my entry earlier? Would it be possible to enter a second time? I have been working to improve the financial aspect of my entry.
Dread Pirate Terry
21-01-2005, 17:09
Originally posted by RoadRunner:I saw a nice detail... but no "new feature" (up to now).
That nice detail, if it's the one I think it is, "Friend", is enabeling me to greatly expand my population and therefore my overall balance. Not really necessary to reach the goals of the scenario, but it makes for a much nicer looking kingdom! :biggrin: :bowl: :bowl: :bowl:
Dread Pirate Terry
25-01-2005, 13:42
Almost four days and no posts here except for one new thread with nine replies.
The question was asked over in the Knight's of Honor section, "Is this forum dead?"
If the Anno 1602 forum is not dead, at least it is sleeping soundly.
Back in November a good many of us migrated over here when our old board closed. I'm afraid most of us have found other things to do.
:whenitsdo :oogle: :oogle2: :sad:
25-01-2005, 22:38
Reasons for my low post rate= Now belong to over 10 other forums for car sites and online gameing sites for some of the greatest game ever. Massivly fun online multiplyaer for Call of Duty and also been busy with shcool work and trying to beat another game Rome:Total War. I post here occasionaly now thw. still glad to talk to the same people thow
... I'm afraid most of us have found other things to do. ...
Yeah. Playing KoH for a while :wink: :blush:
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