View Full Version : 1602 Weihnachtswettbewerb / Christmas Contest

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01-02-2005, 20:43
Hi, hatte mir mal Anfang Januar ein paar Notizen gemacht die ich nicht mehr umsezten konnte, da mir das mit den Resttonnen nicht klar wurde. Vermutlich sind auch ein paar Fehler drin. Kam übrigens auf 139 Minen, nicht 136, sorry :wink: Und eine Insel oben hatte ich damals oder vorher (?) leider übersehen.

Poste die Notizen (Erster Rohentwurf ! )einfach mal hier rein ...

Wieviel Werkzeug benötige ich?
1.390 Minen (139 Minen)
x (32 Kontore für die Erzinseln)
x (weitere Kontore (2 ? bis zum rechten Rand der großen Insel )
x (31 Fischerhütten)
x (1 Steinbruch)
x( 1 Werft)
20 (20 Siedlerhäuseer)
x (1 Kapelle)
6 (Erzschmelze und Werkzeugschmiede)
x (Wein o. Zuckerrohr für die Siedlerstadt, wegen Steuern)
x (Schaffarm und Weberei)

Wieviel produziert jede kleine Mine wenn mehrer Stollen dran sind ?
Wieviel produziert eine kleine Mine ?

1 Mine - 1. Versuch = 80 t
2 Minen – 1. Versuch = 70 t + 5
3 Minen- 1.Versuch = 80 +5

Nur 30 t Erz aus jeder Mine = 60 t Eisen aus jeder Mine = 120 Werkzeuge je Mine
richtig gerechnet ?

KIs haben Werkzeuge an Bord, erhalte ich etwas wenn ich deren Kontore übernehme. ?Problem: Kontor bricht nach dem ersten Schuß zusammen, versuchen KI zu entwickeln

Betriebskosten :
2.780 (139 stillgelegte Minen x20)150
350( Ca. 35 Markplätze: x10, davon 20 auf der Hauptinsel )
480 (32 kleine Kontore x 15)
100 20 Kapellen
15 Werft
5 (Steinruch, kann ich später stilllegen)
50 (Schmelze und Schmiede, kann ich später stilllegen)
65(Alkoholproduktion auf Siederinsel)
35 Weberei + drei Schaffarmen
175 (ca. 40Fishcerhütten)
4.055 Summe Betriebskosten

Einnahmen = 4.968
300 Pionierhütten a 3,9 pro Haus = 1.170
300 Sielderhäuser a 12,66 je Haus = 3.798

Achtung !!!
Auf die 3. Mine von unten, rechts achten, ist da ein Vulkan ?? (speichern !)
3. Insel oben rechts -= ?? . was war da noch mal .... mehr Minen baubar als vermutet ?

02-02-2005, 00:07
Frieden - I like your calculations. Did you include the tools and ore and iron that you could get from the pirates? I was trading with them from very early on and I waited to take out the AI's one at a time and got the extra tools from the pirates as they turned pirate.

02-02-2005, 00:23
No, I didn't calculate them in.
Because I only planned with settlers, not with citizens. And "trading" with pirates is only possilbe if I have some citicnes I guess.

In addition to that this trading is difficult to foresee. Sometimes it does not function immediately, then again.
I would have had to apply very much patience. Too much patience I assume :wink:

03-02-2005, 01:20
It wasn't that hard. I kept a ship dedicated to trading with them. I left it outside their port on the Cocoa island and when I heard they were attacking I could go to the ship and put up the flag. They took the iron and I kept an eye out for where it would be sold, bought it back, shipped it to a relay port, and repaired the ship. It also helped to keep the pirates from harassing my ships.

I did advance my people to Aristo's also. I like their houses.

Dread Pirate Terry
03-02-2005, 02:32
It wasn't that hard. I kept a ship dedicated to trading with them. I left it outside their port on the Cocoa island and when I heard they were attacking I could go to the ship and put up the flag. They took the iron and I kept an eye out for where it would be sold, bought it back, shipped it to a relay port, and repaired the ship. It also helped to keep the pirates from harassing my ships.

I did advance my people to Aristo's also. I like their houses.

I did the trading with the pirates the same way, at first. In the last four hours before the contest closed I searched and found an earlier savegame before the ore symbols started to disappear. I wanted those pretty aristo houses and a palace & cathedral but only had a couple hundred leftover tools left. I realized in the nick of time that if I wanted to get the cathedral that I needed a more reliable method of trading with the pirates. I had put a ship on auto-route between their port and mine on the cocoa island but pirate ships came so infrequently I knew that I'd never get enough iron or tools to beat the deadline. :bash:
:biggrin: I loaded a ship with 50 tons of iron & 50 tons of tools, parked it at the mouth of the pirates port and put up the white flag. Next I cleared way for the marketcart, set up a auto-route to the pirates warehouse and hauled away as many tools & tons of iron as I could set up another ship with an auto-route to haul the booty from my warehouse, to the palace island. After that all I needed to do was every ten minutes or so send my bait ship back to my warehouse for more "worms". The pirates loved it so much two of their ships stayed right there, going back and forth between the
"bait" ship and their warehouse. Too bad this idea didn't occur to me a month earlier! :cheers:

03-02-2005, 09:04
Great ideas :smile:

Now I know ... We should have discussed more above and more intensively about the contest. With my 139 (?) ore mines I would have not become last :wink:

Are the final results already public somewhere :scratch:

Dread Pirate Terry
03-02-2005, 13:12
Great ideas :smile:

Now I know ... We should have discussed more above and more intensively about the contest. With my 139 (?) ore mines I would have not become last :wink:

Are the final results already public somewhere :scratch:

Would you care to exchange savegames with mama & I? We're dieing to find out where we missed that 139th. mine!

06-02-2005, 22:21
I'll do so , yes :)

But first, please, where is a link for the final results ?

06-02-2005, 22:27
the results now are online

results (http://www.olydorf.de/result.htm)

06-02-2005, 22:29
hey,. .your're very quick annophil ;)

Bevor saying congrats to someone, why is there a difference between mama, Frank /RoadR. and Terry ?

06-02-2005, 22:56
bei gleicher Punktzahl gilt das Datum des früheren Posteingangs .... Aber sie sind natürlich alle drei Sieger.... :)

06-02-2005, 23:36
Frieden. why with your 139 mines were you not included in the results?

06-02-2005, 23:43
There are two reasons .. Here (http://www.knights-of-honor.net/) is he most important one :wnik:

And ... congrats to Mama :smile: http://www.mainzelahr.de/smile/sport/1.gif

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
07-02-2005, 00:12
Congratulations to Mama, Frank, Terry and all who sent in completed entries! :cheers:

07-02-2005, 20:00
The winner list has been corrected by Annophil, and there's a new # 1 - please look here: http://www.olydorf.de/result.htm

Congrats to all who made an entry (though the number is very low imho, where was everybody?)...

08-02-2005, 23:55
I like the revised winners list better as all four of us get the gold.