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26-01-2005, 03:05
I have been playing Sid Meier's Pirates lately besides working(full time), going to school (I have a Math class called discrete math, the last math class I took was 25 years ago) and being a Mom (It's basketball season so we have games and practices to get to) and of course I still play 1602 besides.

I need to go to the tavern, I just exhausted myself when I read this. :bowl:

26-01-2005, 08:48
So what is your status with the contest?

BTW I read that Annophil might probably prepare another contest for Easter. :)

26-01-2005, 09:55
Finished, and going for a stroll around Athkatla again. :swordfigh

29-01-2005, 07:55
How many entries have been received so far?

I look forward to a new contest for Easter.

Dread Pirate Terry
30-01-2005, 06:59
I give up. I sent in an entry to Annophil on the 2nd. of January with what I believe to be the maximum number of mines possible. After a few days I thought it might not be a bad idea to improve the empire in my entry. After many hours of squeezing out every single ton of iron for tools I got my overall balance to over $6,000, palace, cathedral and some darn good looking islands. Tonight I was putting the finishing touches on the map when I suddenly discovered that on at least ten islands the spinning hammers were gone, gone for good. As soon as I mined 75 tons of ore from each deposit I shut down the mines. There is no way that more than 75 tons of ore came out of any of those mountains but still the ore symbols disappeared. I'm affraid I've been bitten by some sort of anno bug, I hope I'm the only one that this happened to.
:bconfused :bash: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :yawn:

30-01-2005, 07:23
It's not a bug - it's a feature. :wink:

BTW what do you think was the reason why I decided to restart? :wink:

30-01-2005, 10:45
Oh ..forgotten ... I must come on to set my 1st ore mine :wink:

Dread Pirate Terry
30-01-2005, 15:06
It's not a bug - it's a feature. :wink:

BTW what do you think was the reason why I decided to restart? :wink:

Thanks Frank! It's good to know that I'm not crazy! No crazier than any other annoist anyway.
I'm very glad now that I did send in that earlier entry, before the "feature" devastated my mines. I wish someone would explain this feature to me, maybe in a PM, maybe here after the contest is over. Perhaps many of the "bugs" we run across are really features after all. Does it have anything to do with the size of the .gam file?
:hahaha: Dread Pirate Terry :gaga2: :gaga:

30-01-2005, 16:13
There was some mention earlier in the thread of ore symbols disappearing and later reappearing.

Dread Pirate Terry
30-01-2005, 16:18
I believe that those mentions regarded ore symbols disappearing and reappearing early on in the scene, as often happens when first exploring islands early in a scene.
But I could be wrong, I'm easily confused. :bconfused :biggrin:

30-01-2005, 22:15
Check the mountains where the ore symbol disappeared. I bet you placed more than five mines there... :wink:

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
31-01-2005, 00:30
...the maximum number of mines possible. ...I suddenly discovered that on at least ten islands the spinning hammers were gone, gone for good. As soon as I mined 75 tons of ore from each deposit I shut down the mines. There is no way that more than 75 tons of ore came out of any of those mountains but still the ore symbols disappeared. I'm affraid I've been bitten by some sort of anno bug, I hope I'm the only one that this happened to.

This happened to me, too, on two of my ore deposites. I also was very careful to take no more than 75t of ore from any deposit.

I counted a possible 136 mines, but I turned in my entry with... I think, 110 mines.

31-01-2005, 12:18
136, that's what I counted too.
Then I made a solution , only taking 30 tons of each mountain. Population only settlers.

Dread Pirate Terry
31-01-2005, 14:33
Check the mountains where the ore symbol disappeared. I bet you placed more than five mines there... :wink:

That makes sense Roadrunner, thanks! One problem though, the ore symbol also disappeared over that island with the very active volcano in the S.E. portion of the map. I believe there were only four mines on that island.
At any rate, the contest is down to just a few hours remaining. Good luck to all that entered! Thank You Annophil, I too am looking forward to the rumoured Easter Contest!

Dread Pirate Terry
31-01-2005, 14:36
This happened to me, too, on two of my ore deposites. I also was very careful to take no more than 75t of ore from any deposit.

I counted a possible 136 mines, but I turned in my entry with... I think, 110 mines.

I guess we were right early in the contest when we figured that it had to be more difficult than it seemed! :bash: :beek: :cheers:

Dread Pirate Terry
31-01-2005, 14:40
136, that's what I counted too.
Then I made a solution , only taking 30 tons of each mountain. Population only settlers.

Good plan Frieden! Those settlers provide a good income with very little trouble! Too bad they didn't find all the possible places to build a mine though. :wink:

31-01-2005, 19:50
Anybody still working on it? Hurry up! :whip:

Dread Pirate Terry
31-01-2005, 20:47
I sent in a second entry about an hour ago. I hope that Anno-Phil will accept this one too. I haven't heard from him in the last week, I hope he is well! :halloha:
I counted 138 mines, how did everyone else do? :swordfigh :knight: :whip:

01-02-2005, 12:26
I also had 138 mines. I didn't lose the ore symbols but I only mined 55 tons from each mountain. Does each mine reserve a ton of ore?

01-02-2005, 13:16
Does each mine reserve a ton of ore?

Yep. After 75 t had been taken out of my big ore mountain on the upper left island, I was about to place 8 more mines. Soon I saw the ore symbol disappear and decided to restart... :yuck: