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18-04-2005, 16:37
nope, not this year....

next one likes tovisit dentist(sorry, have no better idea)

18-04-2005, 16:40
Eeeew. Dentists :knight:

Next one has visited a Boby Brno match last year.

19-04-2005, 03:33

Next one's favorite color is teal!

19-04-2005, 08:43
why not, nice colour.

next one never played an atari game

19-04-2005, 10:41
- thinks hard -

I think I did once.

Next one wants me to break up with Brandi.

19-04-2005, 13:06
I would say, think about it and make your own decision......

next one doesn´t own a computer him/herself

19-04-2005, 13:33
(I'm not about to do so at all)

Actually I do, how else could I be on this often (if not continueously)

Next one was raped by a yellow smurf.

19-04-2005, 15:00
as smurfes are asexuell( exept the blue female ones) and gay..that would be impossible ;)

next one never watched smurf on tv

19-04-2005, 15:23
I like them untill now

The next one saw Magnolia

19-04-2005, 15:45
No idea what it is.

Next one gave me a site for free porn passwords.

19-04-2005, 15:56
no i won´t.

next one never watched a movie after heaving read the book first

19-04-2005, 15:57
Yes I did, Harry Potter.

Next one prefers "Scarface" over "The Godfather"

19-04-2005, 16:33
what's that?

next one likes alternative (not-like-holywood) films

19-04-2005, 16:36
I usually don't care where the film comes from as long as it's a good one...

Next one has not known there are films that are not produced in Hollywood

19-04-2005, 16:44
Actually I do know that films are produced in many places and by many producers that have never been to Hollywood(actually I think Hollywood should be blown off the map).

Next one is a teaser!

19-04-2005, 16:44
I do know :smile: (I meant not-LIKE what means the holywod mainstream. Also in Holywod some good films are - once in some loing time period :lol: - made)

next one just smelled to a flower

PS: sorry I was late... to answer Dobber's one. Sure I am, some people could tell whole stories about it :wink:

19-04-2005, 17:03
not yet, will shortly in my yard as I leave for work.

Next one will experience a once in a lifetime event today!

19-04-2005, 17:08
maybe, maybe not..and how will i judge that....i do not know, what will come after...

next one knows, what will come after the empire is defeated ;)

19-04-2005, 22:15
The empire was defeated in 1945 by Stalin...

Next one doesn't know which empire that was.

20-04-2005, 09:35
I know, but I meant The empire....may the force be with you ;)

next one does know about what empire I talked