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13-10-2005, 14:09

next one hates football.

@Frankish you can say what you want, but Kezman is a great player. Yes, he didn't play so good in Chelsea, but what about his great games in Partizan, PSV, or the national team?

13-10-2005, 14:34
Kezman was only good at PSV because 10 players were feeding him the ball. Bah, I could score 30 goals that way.

And I don't hate football.

Next one doesn't know Kezman's first name.

13-10-2005, 15:40
Mateja. And you are just jalous he didn't play for Feyenoord.

Next one knows two of mine favourite players. (tip: a young midfielder and a tall striker)

13-10-2005, 19:02
Kezman and someone else, I guess. :silly:

Next one knows the name of the other player.

13-10-2005, 19:44
Kezman is short so you are wrong. :tongue: And yes, I know the name of the other player. :biggrin:

Next one will reckognise the players from the given pictures:

the young midfielder(you have his name in cyrilic, so if you know cyrilic, you'll know his name) (http://www.partizan.co.yu/media/wallpaper/simon_800.jpg)
the tall striker (http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3886/17775sy.gif)

conquestare legionare
13-10-2005, 20:19

the next one is called captain crumble.

13-10-2005, 20:56
Avast matey, 't is Cap'n Crumble!

Next one knows my favourite player :)

13-10-2005, 21:31
no i dont now that :biggrin:

the next one knows frankishhero favourite player

conquestare legionare
13-10-2005, 21:48
nope its a great mystery ......

the next one has been in a garbage can.

14-10-2005, 00:51
Yes, Moryarity visited me there.

Next one knows who Alexander Östlund is.

14-10-2005, 10:07
You favourite player?

Next one will tell me whether I am right or wrong.

14-10-2005, 10:19
No I won't. It's secret! I'd have to kill you if I told you. :smile:

The next one is Frankish's favorite player.


14-10-2005, 12:50
I'm afraid I'm not... :biggrin:

Next one has already seen him play and doesn't know it :lol:

14-10-2005, 13:01
Now you say it I really didn't notice I had my eyes open... :lol:

The next one doesn't have a real bed.


14-10-2005, 15:10
'T is hard sleeping on a Mr.Bean-bag. :sad:

Oh, and binchen was right.

http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/1608/942400fp.jpg <---- ALEXANDER ÖSTLUND is my favourite player

Next one has not dared to click the link I provided.

conquestare legionare
14-10-2005, 16:27
well i did , it was a visual challange thought

the next one is from the lord of the rings

14-10-2005, 16:29
Yes I am. I am Aragorn.

Next one is an Orc.

conquestare legionare
14-10-2005, 16:46
of course i am, im a mighty battlelord.

the next one knows were ¨the name mephisto has orgins from (And no the name is not from diablo2 which TKS was addcited to a couple months ago)

14-10-2005, 16:46
And I'm the most beautiful of them all!

The next one admires my exceptional beauty.


14-10-2005, 16:53
Oh yes...c'mere!

Next one is a homophobe.