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10-08-2005, 20:24
Ahm... What's a skinflint? *consulting a dictionary* Ah! A miser! :biggrin: No, guess you aren't.

Next one is too generous.

10-08-2005, 22:16
No, I'm a miser. :biggrin:

Next one has a gold tooth.

conquestare legionare
10-08-2005, 23:09
no i always brush my teeth so i nver loose any tooth

the next one is the master of assasins

10-08-2005, 23:28
Nay, I gainsay thee... :wink: Thinkest thou such of me?

Next one enjoys reading ancient books.

conquestare legionare
10-08-2005, 23:47
yes i got a bunch of them , mostly about roman armies , soldier description , roman history and ancient history.

the next one likes greek temples

11-08-2005, 09:01
Oh yes.......Delphi and Olympia rule!!!

next one read the Illias of Homer in greek

the knightly sword
11-08-2005, 11:04
Yes , some parts are so boring that you fall asleep

The next one would like to be yoda in star wars.

11-08-2005, 12:06
nope....prefer another character

next on eknows whom I would prefer..

(you are able to speak and read ancient greek :go: I am impressed)

11-08-2005, 13:13
No, I don't. Who is it?

Next one knows who it is and why Moryarity likes him/her so much.

11-08-2005, 14:52
I know..... :biggrin:

next one will also make a guess, who it is :lol:

11-08-2005, 16:02

Next one will tell me am I right.

11-08-2005, 16:25
Yep, you're absolutely right...

Next one disagrees :biggrin:

conquestare legionare
11-08-2005, 17:21
huh? have i missed something

the next one is called darth raider

11-08-2005, 17:41

Next one likes to go on holidays, but hates to return.

conquestare legionare
11-08-2005, 18:09

sentriarii (the new spearmen sentriarii :biggrin: in roman armies only the elite and rich patricians were recuited for triarii service , the best and the most elite spearmen and only spearmen to find in roman legions)

the next one knew what triarii`s were before i explained above.

12-08-2005, 09:11

next one doesn´t like star wars at all..

conquestare legionare
12-08-2005, 10:08
only the darkside :biggrin: (the people in the movies are so displined and well taught to the limit that they cant find a better insult then slime bal :lol: l)

next one agrees

12-08-2005, 10:30
As my favourite character is the imparator :lol: and Han :biggrin:

next one prefers H. Ford as Indy rather than as Han..

12-08-2005, 12:47
No, I like him in both roles. BTW, I happened to watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade yesterday... :wink:

Next one thinks Princess Leia is a bit strange...

12-08-2005, 13:09
She is great, especially in the book, really tough :biggrin:

next one thinks Luke is an idiot... :lol: