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23-12-2006, 06:11
i agree with you he will get bankrupt
"ooooooo i see some baby back ribs and barbeque sauce"
"you know what that means........(disgusting slobbering and chuncks of ramdom ecces meat flying everywhere)mmmmmmmmm thats was good im off to the dessert now"

There are no baby back ribs! :nono:

This is a self-serve establishment! The coffee bar is along the left wall, there is a wide variety of coffee blends and flavored coffees. And along the back wall is a buffet. Continental style breakfast is served and for lunch and dinner, we have a variety of salads, sandwiches and soup. So feel free to help yourself, and please enjoy your stay!

The only desserts we have are those that are occasionally dropped off by patrons to share with others!

24-12-2006, 08:42
Here I have a plate full with coockies and fresh coffee.

BTW: I wish all of you a Merry Chrismas and a happy New Year! Hope we meet again in this Cafe.


24-12-2006, 15:12
From the proprietor of the Cafe!

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

:rudolph: :cleric: :snowman: :tree::st_claus:

26-12-2006, 03:33
I like this group of people. Smart, opinionated, and you all definately have something to say.
That being said, it looks like I may be the only one who is working the day after Christmas. (I'm using the term loosely of course. :wink: )

For those of you who are experiencing Christmas Day as we speak, Merry Christmas.
For those of us who have to work..... Put on another pot.


26-12-2006, 12:35
Remember: More time spend at work equals less time spend argueing with relatives!


the knightly sword
29-12-2006, 19:50
Bajsus kalupsus.

21-01-2007, 09:36
"wow i havent come in a while but..... awww no ribs but atleast i can stuff my self with desserts,well im off to eat dessert"

(random bits of cupcakes and cookies flying around)
(i find a cake)
(i plunge my head into it)
"im done"

(cake and crumbs and cream and icing al over me)

24-01-2007, 18:30
*Points at mess* I'm not cleaning that up.

24-01-2007, 19:10
http://bestsmileys.com/puking/3.gif well neither am I.

24-01-2007, 19:44
We could just let the dogs loose . . .

25-01-2007, 19:37
Anybody seen Xuca? I haven't seen him in about 3 weeks, he didn't get sick or die or anything like that did he? :scratch:

25-01-2007, 21:50
I think he missed Traveller so much he locked himself in a old cabin!
or he's busy, I don't know.

26-01-2007, 21:17
Hopefully he'll come back soon...but you're right, he hasn't been here for a while, and I guess he would have told us if he was on holidays or something...:scratch:

26-01-2007, 21:29
His last visit to the forum was one day this week, but he didn't post!

27-01-2007, 00:38
That's serious...should we start a rescue operation?

27-01-2007, 03:00
"Pull back, pull back"

"Enemy troops have marched into our lands"

Guys, sorry, I'm too busy on KoH fromt now. I can't fight on two fromts so I pull back from this. Hope you accept my peace offer.

I offer you: Royal Wedding with the most beautifull princess over here :cheers:

27-01-2007, 03:05
*mumbles something incoherent that most everyone can guess*

27-01-2007, 03:50
I offer you: Royal Wedding with the most beautifull princess over here :cheers:

Have you asked karima and binchen if they are okay with that?

27-01-2007, 06:22
If it's marriage to me they'll obviously agree.


Who wouldn't want this studmuffin?

27-01-2007, 10:44
You're awfully proud of that picture, aren't you! That is only the what, 3rd, 4th, 5th time or so you have posted it in the forum? :scratch: