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10-10-2005, 12:12
lol , webmaster will feel himself very good and in a moment of joy he tells us his secrets. I hope :p
but don't count too much on it I think

10-10-2005, 14:44
come on! i cannot. please respect this as i respect you and your hunger for a 2nd patch

10-10-2005, 15:09
sry webbie, we are just kidding :), and I know it is difficult if you have a lot of info you want to share, but you may not yet. I am a fan, and I keep waiting

16-10-2005, 00:21
Hello every body!

I agree with the making of a second pat:
- The AI isn't very smart
- The options in the battle mode are a little limited, it would be very interesting that you can rotate the scenario to change the view of the map.
- The multiplayer modes are very limited to just attack or defend. I think that must be included a new multiplayer mode with the posibility to play with another players the "Play on europe" like Civilization game (can be per turn or just like it is actually but with the difference that yoy can play with human players.
- The posibility to zoom the city to see how its look (this is not very important)
- The map could be better, i mean better graphics because the map and countries bounderies are squeared, it could be better that that.
- When you enter in the battle mode with the enemy, the map seems to be the same every time, with the little lake in the center and the same trees. This could be a little bouring.

Wel, this is my opinion, KoH is a great strategyc game and i think that it could be better than that.

Thank you people!



18-10-2005, 18:34
What you say is true, it has great potential. I hope Electronic arts/ sunflowers, invest in a second version but it will need 3D graphics, better AI etc... and especially: good promotion and distribution.
Also what I need is more differences between countries ( now it feels always the same),

- Choosing a capital ( 1 of your provinces) , gives this region a +5 bonus to hapiness because they are proud to live there. Also your populations grows 20% faster.
- New buildings: Prison: Here you can lock up captured marshalls, so that you don't need to keep space in your royal court. Addition: When a Cleric is governing a province and you conquer it: he can too get captured and locked up in your prison.
Options: - torture prisoner, release prisoner with or without a fee, make captive one of your marshalls.

- More different units
examples: skirmishers:

Morale: Low
Speed : Very fast
Bonus: Lowers enemy moral very fast
damage: very low
varieties: some throw rocks, some throw javelins, some throw axes

18-10-2005, 20:04
I think that 3D is the last thing that this game needs...

is there a hope for the greenlightto the patch? :scratch:

18-10-2005, 21:25
hope is and was always ... don't know where the slowdown now is ;(

18-10-2005, 23:05
People keep asking for 3D and don't know why. in my opinion The grafics are exelent the way they are now for this type of game, maybe just give 3d in battle view and leave the other the way it is now. 3d is more for a first person kind of game. I For one would prefer that the other issues were corrected if sequal was to be made, like better ai, more diplomatic options, maybe a multiplayer europe map or at least part of it like playing in England with different minor kingdoms and try unite it. Why not add something like reaserch where you have to invent new techs like inventing the three-year crop rotation or printing press or something like that.
Maybe add some campains or something where you have to fight the 100 years war as either France or England or take charge of the muslim invasion and all the while adding maybe seasons and little events like plague, province fair,bad harvest/good harvest ect... to give more life to the game. Now if a sequal was to be made and only 3d is added and the game play stays the same, it only looks a little better I would not waste my money on it.

Going back to topic why are they making us wait more lol, commn Sunflower Say GO!! Is only one word, not like "No Go" that's too long. Here I will help you Say G..O.. good now say them together GO! :cheers:

19-10-2005, 09:40
I am not a fan of 3d. Most of the games i play currently don't have it and imho it looks better, are more stable and don't have so huge requirements.

Now i want my patch :wink:

19-10-2005, 20:24
What I meant with 3D = 2D games are less likely to be distributed because the risk that they fail is higher than with 3D games. Not that I mean that 3D games are better ( far from it ) but the mob gamers prefers 3D

30-10-2005, 20:05
ehm, so what about the greenlight?

will it ever come? :confused:

I don't hope anymore (as this game was proven to be absolutely unreliable to Sunflowers: there can't be any other explanation for so long silence around the greenlight), I ask just to increase my posts number from last several weeks.

31-10-2005, 07:21
Good question.... :scratch:

conquestare legionare
31-10-2005, 13:06
my only comment for now

(with a cheering voice)

31-10-2005, 18:37
There won't be any patch, and Frujin's statement only gave us false hope. I recommend to Black Sea Studios to think twice before they choose Sunflowers again as publisher.

31-10-2005, 18:54
as long as i don't post the official answer to the 2nd patch topic no decision is made, yet!
sure i am the last to get this information within sunflowers, but i am the first to post it.

more i honestly don't know. but be assured i am still asking for the progress on this topic.

01-11-2005, 19:15
I can already guess the answer of sunflowers, ... a no

02-11-2005, 05:24
Well, hope is the last thing we can lost but I don't think that this game will have a 2nd patch and that's not good. The multiplayer modes are very limited and sometimes goes wrong. There is no way to play the "Play on Europe" with other hman players, it would be great to play that mode like Civilization and I think that this things could be very interesting for the progress of this game. Just for example: if you connect to the Gamespy network you can see that nobody is connected to play KoH, may be because the multiplayer modes aren't very interesting (The towers, attack or defend or battle) Why not create the "Play on Europe " in multiplayer mode? Where is the challenge to play only with the computer?

That's what I think and it seems that Sunflowers will not create a second patch and the game "Knights of Honor" will stay just like it is right now...This game could be the best RTS game, even more than Civilization, why not? Well, I don't know, if I get the source code of this game i would like to create this patch and create the "Play on Europe" in multiplayer mode...

Thanks to all

03-11-2005, 09:41
Hello Guys,

I am sorry for the delay. It is not BSS fault ...
I am sure there will be patch, one way or another! We also want to do it!

03-11-2005, 10:16
Well,this is a good message! :hello:

03-11-2005, 10:22
Hello Guys,

I am sorry for the delay. It is not BSS fault ...
I am sure there will be patch, one way or another! We also want to do it!

This is great....looking forward to spend another winter in the Medieval Ages :hello:

Thanks for passing by... :go: