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05-08-2005, 18:41
Actually, I would say the primary problem with the AI is not either of those things but rather that it builds completely randomly. It will never compete if it has no strategy at all; that's practically the definition of AI.

If you want proof it builds randomly, realize that it builds Axe Smiths in places with no Axe troops.

That's a definate third. :sad:

08-08-2005, 21:48

Sunflowers have holidays?
they promissed us some news about this and still nothing. There was said that it moved into consideration of responsible people. Are they considering it for 40 days? :scratch:

16-08-2005, 16:38
I think that we all need to meet half way with bss. My suggestion is an expantion pack, that way we get all the fixes we want and they get pay for their work, because lets face it, they are not going to work without getting something out of it. Would You? So please just come out with an expantion pack!

16-08-2005, 16:38
Great Game!

16-08-2005, 19:06
If you want proof it builds randomly, realize that it builds Axe Smiths in places with no Axe troops.
Axe Smiths give your town one extra worker so that might be the reason the AI seems to build them everywhere.

I would definitely buy an expansion pack for this game. There's no game like it in my opinion.

20-08-2005, 12:22
Game need a lot of fixes, indeed.
I just cant get clear about how many castles do I own. Minimap is almost useless, but one can never play without such thing on map so big. :scratch:

Second thing - diplomacy. I get very angry that I have no idea who offers me alliance, if I have the message that Hazaria offers alliance against Tunisia. I mean - I don`t know either one or another. It must be showen on the map - who offers what against whom. :silly:

Third - I hate when it`s possible to hire knight and army in no time. A couple of cliks on the icon and you instanly have bigger army that invaiders does. It is unrealistic. :eek:

21-08-2005, 18:38
I made a thread several months ago pleading with Americans not to buy this game. Guess I told you so. The support is absolutely pathetic for this game. If you're going to release a broken game in Europe and not fix it, you need to fix it before you release it in the US and Australia. It's beyond insulting to release a game in another huge market with NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of fixing it because it just costs too much money. Sickening.

And to the guy who says they can fix it if only they release an expansion: Where's your pride? You got ripped off by what appears to be a dead company. How about you instead demand they fix the game you already bought?

If anyone is still waiting on word from Sunflowers, don't. It's not going to happen. There's been absolutely no support for months -- it's over. The most you're going to get is the Webmaster saying he's still waiting on word.

21-08-2005, 20:27
as i said before ... there are still negotiatings between BSS and SF ... i am really sorry that i don't have any new or better news on this ;(

21-08-2005, 22:15
Yeah, it's not your fault :/

21-08-2005, 22:35
nope, but i can only act as interface ... but now after the GC i will nerv the people again *g*

22-08-2005, 08:26
The game is good enough to have many hours of fun. For an average player like me, it's still fun after more than 6 months. There are still some bugs, but the game is already very enjoyable. And there has been already a good patch. Hoping for a second one.

22-08-2005, 11:50
One thing I am really curious:
They are negotiating already for almost 3 months. What is the problem in negotiations? there must be some really tough problem that they are unable to find a way after almost 3 months...

22-08-2005, 12:37
they don't talk all the time! most time is gone for waiting ;(

22-08-2005, 12:56
Well. Do you know what I find really weird?
Sunfowers invests money in release of KoH in australia, but don't want to invest it to support it...
they will have much more satisfied customers if they support their product...

but they prefere investing money in having more, but half-satisfied customers... :scratch: kinda weird strategy... If sunflowers games have full support, their customers will say, yea, this company seems to care of us, if they will release some other nice game, I'll buy it."
but Sunflowers prefere to have more customers like"oh, that's nice game, but it seems this company doesn't care of the game. Will they support their other games? what if their other games won't be such good? is it worth my money to buy a game that won't be supported?"

22-08-2005, 13:28
paradox is releasing KoH in US and AUS
the other things mentioned i truely understand ... and believe me, i personally share them

but me don't do the talkings nor makes the decisions. i do only represent the community's point of views

22-08-2005, 17:41
The community is, in two words, "pissed off," or at least "very frustrated." :angry:

22-08-2005, 17:42
i know, i know, i know ;(

22-08-2005, 18:46
Thanks for the bit about pressing control.

Persistent selections: The church is only an example. If you have a kingdom of several provinces and you wish to make sure that you are building as many churches as possible (so as to maximize your books) you can go to the building tab of the Political view and see stripes in the provinces that could but haven't built a church. It would be so much less tedious if after you zoomed to a provence, ordered it to build, and returned to the political view you didn't have to reselect the center tab and then find churches again. Why not have the selection persist until it is changed?

I found a work-around for this problem to remain in Political view. When you are in the building tab and find a town you want to build in hit the Rebellion tab and click on the town. the build menu appears. You can also use the Rebellion tab with the Religion tab to convert your empire. Hope my explanation is clear enough.
I do agree that always having the building tab default to the military choice is a pain. Having it remain in the last selected choice would be better for me.

22-08-2005, 19:46
The community is, in two words, "pissed off," or at least "very frustrated." :angry:I believe that I'm not speaking for myslef only, when I say that community is very likely to seriously consider if ever buy any other game from your copmany

22-08-2005, 19:54
which is more than understandable concerning a 2nd patch