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04-11-2005, 11:30
So, the delay is caused by Angryminer's going to university? (just a thought...)

04-11-2005, 11:43
I know, but not all feedback will be included I guess. So if people are talking about new units and buildings ?

04-11-2005, 12:00
nono ;) angryminers collection was finished *g*

look guys, if i present you details, which wouldn't be included, you will be disappointed, or? so, it is better to keep the information looked, or?

sure i know some things ... but the path to go is not an easy one. anything could disappoint the community, harm SF or harm BSS. saying nothing leaves room for rumors. which BSS and/or SF have to care about in preventing any harm.

but yes, you are right ... the 2nd patch topic progress is to slow and was not working well. for this are the talkings between SF and BSS with all the ups and downs of a normal business relation responsible.

there is no bias against the community. why we should take angryminers list as a base? why we should leave this section of the board open?

yes, we suffered some loss of creditablity here in the board. but frujin, nadine and me are your spokesmen.

04-11-2005, 13:20
I hope, that the new patch not change too much.Ok.Some people will like the new patch,another people dont like it.I will hope,after downloading the new patches, that i see my old KOH without the proplems before.If i see that you can only used one or two marschalls,sorry, than this is not my game more.I think,better give never an information about the patch,before the patch is finished.So,we can hope!

04-11-2005, 14:14
I hope, that the new patch not change too much.Ok.Some people will like the new patch,another people dont like it.I will hope,after downloading the new patches, that i see my old KOH without the proplems before.If i see that you can only used one or two marschalls,sorry, than this is not my game more.I think,better give never an information about the patch,before the patch is finished.So,we can hope!

I don't believe they will change the core of the game....a patch is mostly there to correct problems (among them the inability of the AI's to create full stack armies). You shouldn't worry too much. :wink:

04-11-2005, 14:22
Thx,i am feeling better. :angel:

04-11-2005, 16:59
where can I find angryminers list of possible changes ? link plz

04-11-2005, 17:10
the list is not available for public in the moment ... it includes potential dissapointing content ;(

04-11-2005, 17:17
ok, thanks. But one question, is the patch only containing fixes and balances or maybe something more ? I hope that you might answer this without getting specific. And I understand that you must be bored by this question again.

04-11-2005, 17:22
puh, good question ... i honestly don't know ... but i guess a bit more than fixes, but definitly no multiplayer europe

04-11-2005, 17:27
As I expected, but I'm looking forward to it. Bringing out a patch always makes sure that ther's a little revival of the game. And it gives BSS crediability and a reputation of good support to the fans.
Something which is very important. Go on BSS !

04-11-2005, 22:55
What?! They're talking about a second patch?! Boy, leave this board for a bit and come abck to great news!

Webmaster, tell BSS that, unless they turn Kights of Honour into another Lords of the Realm III, there is virtually nothing they coould do to disappoint me!

I have long championed fixing the whole princess thing, saying that the princesses are a waste and actually cause more trouble than they are worth. But if that doesn't get fixed in the patch, you won't hear me complaining because I'll still probably love everything else I see.

So if they need any more encourgement for a second patch, add my voice to the chorus!

Heck, when the next patch comes out, let's get them to serious start talking about Knights of Honour II!


Pearls of Wisdom - Momma always said, "New neighbours are like a box of choc-o-lates. You never know which ones are the nuts."

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04-11-2005, 22:58
I must say that I never thought a second patch would ever become reality, and I am excited by the prospect of even a patch providing game balances and bug fixes. Thanks, BSS.

One small request I have, and have had since the game's release, is for a change in the display of the town rebellion risk. When making the patch could you please change the little picture with torch-bearing peasants to something more pleasant when the rebellion risk is 0% or higher. Presently the difference is distinguished by green or red numbers and a minus sign. This makes it harder for people to distinguish whether or not the town is at risk, especially if they happen to be colour blind ;-) . I propose you change the background to a green pasture or something else more pleasant when there is no rtisk of revolt.

05-11-2005, 00:41
I'm sorry for my staments before, I just love this game I would like another patch to fix the little problems that still exist :wink: Anyways I just hope that SF doesn't give their back to us the players. I klnow you guys in Bss are doing your best too get us another patch and to that I give this :cheers: :hello:

05-11-2005, 12:25
i hope you all get the point that the patch isn't settled, yet!
the content is defined ... other things are still to be discussed ... and after a positive final decision BSS still needs time to create this patch.

so, hold your horses my roaring marshalls

05-11-2005, 12:54
1) So, the delay is caused by Angryminer's going to university? (just a thought...)
Angryminer's work was done about half a year ago, so it definitely is not his mistake!!

2) the delay and the nagotiations around the patch are just too long. I don't know how the other most faithfull KoH gamers, but I personally have put this game off some 3 months ago as I ofund it boring (evan after the long and exhausting work on my own mods)

I think that now - after over year of requesting a patch - a patch is not enough. The game is almost dead and it needs something more than just several fixed bugs.

05-11-2005, 16:18
Indeed, a more larger patch with some new units or maybe buildings might revive the game

05-11-2005, 17:55
Indeed, a more larger patch with some new units or maybe buildings might revive the game

yes something like that

that would make the patch a little better

or some new avatars, diffrent transport ships for the muslim, orthodox regions.
it has the same ship as in the christians regions. because in the middle ages every religion and countrys had diffrent kind of ships if they would do this in the new patch then this would be a nice add the the game :wink:

05-11-2005, 18:53
Just add a large patch and call it koh gold edition, so you can release it in the stores again: like sacred for example

07-11-2005, 02:23
What's with all the false hope all of a sudden? There's not going to be another patch. If there is, it won't improve the AI which the devs bragged about before release. It will just include handicaps for the player at higher difficulties and allow the AI to cheat. Easy way out. The last patch was about a year ago, there has been talk of another since then, and there won't be another one. The game is no longer making money.

As for it being no one's fault, BSS nor SF... Simply not possible. Either the publisher won't let the devs 'waste' their time on a patch for a game that isn't producing money, but the devs want to fix this broken game, or the publisher and the devs both want to forget KoH ever happened. It's always someone's fault when support of a game is terminated, sometimes before release (as was the case with the American and Australian releases), leaving the game broken and unplayable for anyone who desires the slightest challenge. It's never acceptable. Only recent event more tragic was when Sierra dumped Tribes: Vengeance months after release.