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But i think a 2nd Patch is more relary then KoH2!
the knightly sword
10-01-2005, 21:07
a patch only if it adds a cooperative campaign .. if not, better concentrate on KoH2 :)
i dont think we will see a koh2 before 2006 and later , because sunflowers just after they released koh they were planing for a new project=Anno3 and anno3 is ready to be launched 25 november 2005 , which is near the end of this year , i think koh2 will be alot more inworked and will have alot more perfection then kohs concept had, because now they both have experinance and
know what people wants and they know how to do it right
11-01-2005, 04:32
Hello all,
Im new here, just bought the game and i had lots of sleepless nights now :ycool:
Very good game but i agree, the only thing i would like to see changed is the way the AI handles its armys, its sad sometimes, why make peace with a major power as it is now because they pose no threat at all, the AI hardly ever attacks cities and satisfies itself with the useless plunder of villages, even marching by my cities without attacking, also i noticed the AI usually only takes peasant armys wich are pretty useless for a full scale war...any way i love the game but i think this ting could be adressed in a second patch, this game is so great and so full of potential it could be perfect with a small adjustment to AI army behaviour
Yours truly
11-01-2005, 11:44
Very well said,
And welcome to the forums. :cheers:
11-01-2005, 14:28
@the knightly sword
1. Anno3 is developed by another developer. There is no relation to KoH or KoH2.
2. Anno3 has no official release date as far as I know. Some people believe in a release of Anno3 in summer 2006, but I'd rather believe in god than that (you have to know I'm an atheist).
3. BSS is busy with SciFi-Strategy game.
11-01-2005, 15:30
See how rumours get out of hand,(KoH2) with one little comment :bash: .
Enjoy the first KoH and have fun. :biggrin: :cheers:
But i havnt so much fun, cause the patch...
yes, because it improved some nice details, but not the main issue what is sooooo silly AI in all aspects of gameplay(from diplomacy and town development to warfare)
weak and silly AI is the reason why so many people keep demanding the patch.
And i think, thats the Mp is badlier than befor the patch! And thats a big Problem!
I agree.....
the game is to easy.....
after the patch it was little bit harder to get started .. but after awile it was to easy....
I want to see a second patch......
Though efter 2 years a new game would be great....... mabey focused on another part of the world.. nut who nows................
i life in the hope of a new patch.....
has anybody seen such decisive poll here on the forums?
the question is: should anybody do something with it?
I do not really need a patch, I need an patched Add-On including an editor :smile:
the knightly sword
16-01-2005, 21:24
bss should get there asses and start creating it because they are looseing many fans .
where are those times when this forum had some influence
but I understand that BSS are under pressure of need of money so they have to sell their prodcts so they need to develop another game. Better woul dbe if their already made game would break through in the biggest gaming market. But they would need better distributor than EA
good luck, BSS and I hope you won't lose many fans
17-01-2005, 20:33
won't lose me,I would have to say you have toook a blackisle fan and turned them into a BSS fan,even though I live in the states,Please deveople more games like these
the knightly sword
17-01-2005, 21:54
won't lose me,I would have to say you have toook a blackisle fan and turned them into a BSS fan,even though I live in the states,Please deveople more games like these
blackisle?? what the hell are you talking about ???? ive seen some of the old forum members leaveing it because the bad ai and i know many more will eventully leave after a so long time of waiting .
Grand Master Winz of Teutons
18-01-2005, 17:24
I would vote for a second patch because the game is too easy (even on hard), and the AI ****s.
Also who thinks that they should have had a multiplayer campaign in the game, that is a feature that I think should have been included in the game.
I only wonder what would be a limit for BSS to start working on (even payed) patch or add-on.
If this poll breaks 99:1% or 98.5:1.5%
it's only a question of time.
I also wonder who voted against? Frujin? honestly, now it's challenge for the community, because with 0 votes for actual stay it would be always annoing 100% :biggrin:
I only wonder what would be a limit for BSS to start working on (even payed) patch or add-on.
If this poll breaks 99:1% or 98.5:1.5%
it's only a question of time...
Stop dreaming :wink:
In Germany the number sales stayed behind expectations. Therefore there are no Patch. And no ADD-Oon too.
How were the sales figures in the U.K.?
19-01-2005, 10:40
In the UK the sale's are slow to, which make's It less likly for a patch, If the German sale's are down allso.
Maybe If sales were allso done In USA and others , this patch would be possible.
Looks bleak at the moment, :bowdown:
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