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02-07-2005, 14:59
Tha last two screens are from historical battles. You can play them too in multiplayer.


02-07-2005, 15:03
ah... i suggest includ them in europ map... why not on north country ;) éhéhéh... when we will fight in north's countries, the ground will be different. It is more pleasant. they are beautiful so why dont integrate them in the game in SOLO Mod on Europe map. :hello:

04-07-2005, 13:57
I don't know if it is already listed in patch demands, but there should be a possibility to chose between historical accurate province features and rendom province features(as it is now)

Also I agree that a citades should have some own defense (balista tower) and the town will fall only if attacker's units ocupy the citadel. It would be much harder and also it will prevent possibility to conquer a town with cavalry-only army..

Also I would like to see buildings being destroyed in tactical view when they are burnt in battle view. That was one of things I expected. Also it would add new strategy to a game:
assault the city - plunder it and leave. Then the oponent is economicaly exhausted.

I won't repeat my requests in engaging of princesses, deeper diplomacy(counter offers are IMO as necessary as AI improvement), possibility to zoom out and in in battle view and possible map editor.

If there won't be multiplayer on Europe map, there could be at least regional multiplayer with some of following scenarios: Scandinavia, the Btitish isles, Iberian peninsula, France, Italy, Greece+Asia Minor, the Balkans etc.

07-07-2005, 18:53
This game is too easy ...

conquestare legionare
07-07-2005, 22:25
This game is great! its such a pitty that this great game fades away ,it should take its right place. I enjoyed every minute of gameplay. the only thing that doesnt let it reach perfection is the stupid AI. The game isnt very mod friendly either.Ive Read the previous posts and it seems like the developers are out of funds. hmm why not make somekind of donation or something similar.

13-07-2005, 00:29
As soon as there's anything new I can tell you I'll do so - but until then I have to ask you kindly to be patient.

waiting patiently for 2 weeks since your last post...
I hope that negotiations moved somewhere...

13-07-2005, 18:02
This game is great and usually make me lose some nights playing it :rolleyes:

But I still think that it needs a patch. Rather than working on KoH2 i think it is primordial to increase the playability of KoH to make it live longer. Instead of spending money on it, SF and BBS, you would be investing on it. Making the title stronger would bring much more money for both companies and would make KoH2 (when come its time) explode on the world market, not only in Europe and USA.

16-07-2005, 21:32
After putting a lot more time in with this game, it seems to me that a few relatively simple tweaks are all that are needed. (Other things would be nice, but not as absolutely necessary).

1) The economy model is messed up. Town tribute and trade route income should be much less than they are now so that taxes are your main income at the start. The Glory of God mod does this well, so if it isn't in a patch we can still mod it.

2) The AI gets into too many wars at the same time. A simple tweak to make the AI MUCH less lilely to declare war on someone if they are already at war would take care of this problem. Sounds like an easy fix to me.

3) The AI doesn't build sensibly and almost never ends up with decent units. Tweaking the AI to prioritize good units over bad units would help. This is probably the toughest things to tweak since it means changing the way the AI "thinks".

Two of those three changes strike me as pretty straightforward.

17-07-2005, 00:12
waiting patiently for 2 weeks since your last post...
I hope that negotiations moved somewhere...

no decision about the patch, yet ;(
but paradox will bring KoH downunder

17-07-2005, 13:29
thanks at least for this info...

18-07-2005, 15:08
Persistent selections on building screen

The building map selection should be persistent in game. ie. If I select 'church' to see all the places where a church could be built but isn't it should hold that selection when I dive down to build a church on the province view. - this is really simple but annoying

Load games

Still crashes way too much when I load a game (win2k, latest drivers, latest directx)

Escape intro

You lose support when the game crashes and the player has to wait with their thumb up their but watching your company logo display. Make it unavoidable once or something but allow the players to escape through it later. Also allow the window to progress if it doesn't have focus - I find it insulting that If I open another window the advertisement pauses and resumes when I return. You only make people resent the logo they are forced to sit through.

Speedy statement of intent

Your lack of a clear commitment to the game is being interpreted as _no_ commitment - if this is the case put a promise on the main web page. If new patches will come out say so or people have to assume them wont. I bought this in Canada it is too good a product to be dead ended before it gets any market share.


Da Bomb
19-07-2005, 02:34
1. Sorry, but I didn't understand what you said about the church.
2. For loading problems and/or crashes, make a post/thread in the technical support area, not here for best results.
3. After 3 seconds (or something close to that) hold Ctrl on the keyboard and click the left mouse button to skip each of the first 3 intro screens. Once the movie appears, just click and it'll take you to the main menu.
4. Everyone wants more details and info on a patch, but we can't force them to do anything. Unless they want to or are allowed to admit info, we can't do much but hope.

19-07-2005, 04:07
I'm quite impressed by the modders but they can only go so much. The AI is braindead.

I loaded up a game and did nothing but build up my home province to make it unassailable so that I could see how the AI performed without my interference. The AI - even absent player intervention - was completely unable to do *anything*. No empire could manage to get more than 9 or 10 provinces before disintegrating under rebellions and the like. The AI players were constantly having provinces rebel and losing it to new states.

How is the AI supposed to present a challenge to the player when it can't even manage to avoid disintegrating all by itself?

22-07-2005, 00:51
Thanks for the bit about pressing control.

Persistent selections: The church is only an example. If you have a kingdom of several provinces and you wish to make sure that you are building as many churches as possible (so as to maximize your books) you can go to the building tab of the Political view and see stripes in the provinces that could but haven't built a church. It would be so much less tedious if after you zoomed to a provence, ordered it to build, and returned to the political view you didn't have to reselect the center tab and then find churches again. Why not have the selection persist until it is changed?

While on that topic, I wish there was a rhyme or reason to the list of recruitable soldiers. Alphabetical, by attack type, by cost.... some sort of way to help you pick out the unit you like without floating you mouse over all the tiny icons. Perhaps filters that would display only archers, or infantry or mounted units. It doesn't seem like it would take much to make this far more intuitive.

03-08-2005, 18:25
This game just crashes just for the heck of it. it did this to me many many times. Also they need a patch to fix The Age issue. Some times a king wont die he will "go-back in time" and become younger this also screws up any marriages because you will still be married but now he's younger then you and you cant get his land. Another one in marriages is, some times a king will die and you wont get a message to claim his land. Those i think and the random crashes are the biggest issues either then that the game works very smoothly.

Da Bomb
03-08-2005, 19:03
If a king dies and you can't claim his land it's probably because you married off your daughter, not vice versa.

03-08-2005, 20:13
This game just crashes just for the heck of it. it did this to me many many times. Also they need a patch to fix The Age issue. Some times a king wont die he will "go-back in time" and become younger this also screws up any marriages because you will still be married but now he's younger then you and you cant get his land. Another one in marriages is, some times a king will die and you wont get a message to claim his land. Those i think and the random crashes are the biggest issues either then that the game works very smoothly.

I've never had a single crash or technical problem with the full game and I'm running on a two-year old computer that was of middling-level hardware when it was bought and I'm running on a low-end, off-brand graphics card...Or is that why I've never had any problems?

04-08-2005, 20:52
The AI isn't even THAT bad. But it is considerably weakened by the fact that a) we can see where the enemy is marching to
b) it does not attack towns enough.

Just by changing these to simple(ß) things the AI would APPEAR to be a lot better.
(Hey, I know it's not good either, but if you remove these two "certainties" the guessing game would be a lot more fun.)

05-08-2005, 09:25
Actually, I would say the primary problem with the AI is not either of those things but rather that it builds completely randomly. It will never compete if it has no strategy at all; that's practically the definition of AI.

If you want proof it builds randomly, realize that it builds Axe Smiths in places with no Axe troops.

05-08-2005, 16:22
I've never had a single crash or technical problem with the full game and I'm running on a two-year old computer that was of middling-level hardware when it was bought and I'm running on a low-end, off-brand graphics card...Or is that why I've never had any problems?

Well you sir are just very lucky this game has crashed on any computer i play it on so i know its not the just computer. Sometimes when i enter a battle or just after i saved or sometimes just a random it goes off. Of course when it reloads it is fine but its an annoyance.