View Full Version : holy roman empire vs. germany

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Emhyr var Emreis
29-03-2004, 17:32
both sides used really strong arguments, I think.

So I voted for Holy Roman Empire. I hope this poll will collect at least some 60 votes before game release and give the devs little representation of players. (When public relations are researched, they find enought objective around 2000feople out of 10milions, I think 50 out of 10.000 customers can satisfy objection and developers also. But I don't know if estimation of 10.000 buyers is enough for BSS and Sunflowers. Probably not-and hope also)

29-03-2004, 19:50
lot of people take and took part of this vote. maybe better to change to use the name Holy Roman Empire in the released version. i still say i wont be hurt if bss stays by its decision to call it germany, but if so many voted for HRE then i support it, too

the knightly sword
29-03-2004, 22:15
i voted for germany itsounds a bit better then holy roman empire

30-03-2004, 15:47
I don;t think so, 'cos word Germany isn't according to the great and size of Germany Imperium, the rules of ceaaer, german emperor and to this fact that some of German Emperors wanted to be the rulers of united Europe and of the Catholic State, or the kings of the kings.
If I have to chose the HRE or Germany I'm chosing HRE, but in my opinion better will be German Empire.

30-03-2004, 19:10
Germany is (better sounds "was") the district of The Holy Roman Empire.As I know there were some other territories to South.To me Holy Roman Empire sounds good,and it is auhtentic name too.

30-03-2004, 23:43
I don't like both "Germany" or "HRE".
Calling it HRE isn't right because in this game most of historic HRE will be independant nations : Austria, Bohemia, etc.
Calling it simply Germany is also not accurate. There was no unified Germany untill XIX century.
Like I stated before, I think it should be called something like "German States" to reflect many (semi-)independant states there.

31-03-2004, 10:38
i dont know when bss and sunflwoers had set the deadline for the programing tasks and drop mouses and keyboards and start with the last testing period.
but i think tere are 3 month (or about 12 weeks) more to go till we have the game in the shops. so i think there is still time for changes, (for the name changeing and for the close view ;))

the last idea to name it German States, sounds also really nice. :go:

31-03-2004, 11:38
the last idea to name it German States, sounds also really nice. :go: Yes, it does, but only when the stronger ones are absolutely independent on it. King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria as vassals of (Small) German states? :nono:

31-03-2004, 12:35
Originally posted by Elewyn
Yes, it does, but only when the stronger ones are absolutely independent on it. King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria as vassals of (Small) German states? :nono:

i think that the name "german states" giove an expression that the realm buld a country but still are kind of independent.

31-03-2004, 12:40
Originally posted by Bora
i dont know when bss and sunflwoers had set the deadline for the programing tasks and drop mouses and keyboards and start with the last testing period.
but i think tere are 3 month (or about 12 weeks) more to go till we have the game in the shops. so i think there is still time for changes, (for the name changeing and for the close view ;))

the last idea to name it German States, sounds also really nice. :go:

hmm, some people here are searching for compromises... :)

although i like compromises, there are maybe some "problems":

vasall of holy roman empire, o.k.
vasall of german empire or german states, when you are not german? sounds like status as an inferior or occupied nation :confused:

"german empire" was the name for the time 1871 to 1945 (except for the period of 1918 to 1933).

"german states" was the approx. name for german territories between 1815 and 1871. (prussia not included)

yeah, i admit: im hooked on history :D

frujin & frank fay, some new results, ideas, suggestions, tomato soup?

31-03-2004, 12:57
I vote for Holy Roman Empire. It's more correct than anything else.

Can anybody explain me the vassality case here? When Austria is vassal of Holy Roman Empire, what Austria can, what can't and what must do?

31-03-2004, 20:06
Originally posted by thrandaėr
I vote for Holy Roman Empire. It's more correct than anything else.

Can anybody explain me the vassality case here? When Austria is vassal of Holy Roman Empire, what Austria can, what can't and what must do?

a vassal has to pay half on his income to his overlord.
i dont no any more, sorry.

i guess:
if overlord is on war, the vassal is also. means you have to defend the overlord and support his attacks.
the vasall cannot attack kingdoms, which are allied to the overlord or other overlord's vassals.

02-04-2004, 11:44
Maybe the devs should explain it? ;) It's really interesting...

btw 42 votes here :) not bad, since this poll is quite "young", but can be more...

C'mon guys!!:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Takeda Shingen
Hi there!

I just wanted to vote but I don“t agree with the choices!!!

Its the: Holy Roman Empire of GERMAN NATIONS!!!!!!!

Or just call it the German Empire! German Empire will be the same inacurancy like Germany (doesn't matter if inaccurate from XX or XIX century).

It was called Holy Roman Empire to point out it's universal supremacy ambitions, not because Germans were successors of Romans!! (now they sailed over Atlantic and 4th Reich is on the other side of the ocean :D)

that "...of GERMAN NATIONS" was added when it was clear that no universal rule is possible.

So decide, what is closer to "HRE of GN", if "G" or "HRE"

Takeda Shingen
02-04-2004, 12:25
Originally posted by Elewyn
German Empire will be the same inacurancy like Germany (doesn't matter if inaccurate from XX or XIX century).

It was called Holy Roman Empire to point out it's universal supremacy ambitions, not because Germans were successors of Romans!! (now they sailed over Atlantic and 4th Reich is on the other side of the ocean :D)

that "...of GERMAN NATIONS" was added when it was clear that no universal rule is possible.

So decide, what is closer to "HRE of GN", if "G" or "HRE"

I agree with the one on the other side of the ocean!!!! lol
(The one with Emperor Bush, I guess?!)

But I must insist on the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations.

Wasn“t there a roman Empire at the same time?
Or was it just the pope?

Its the germans not the romans.


02-04-2004, 13:06
Roman empire was there untill 1453, when Constantinople fell finally. But we call it Byzantine.

Roman empire on west was remaked by Charlemagne, then by Otto I. in 962. Frederick Barbarossa make it Holy Roman Empire and in 16th century, when idea of universal empire was gone, it was added "German nation" to the name.

But German kings call themselves Roman emperors, after they were crowned by the pope in Rome) and they feel themselves as successors of CAugustus, Constantine the Great, Traianus etc., so called their state Holy Roman Empire, however contempiorarily "right" and straight successors ruled from Constantinople. and they were Greeks. German kings wanted to be formally more than only german kings, thet's the reason why they were Roman/Holy Roman Emperors
But all this was said before. Main problem here is little diferent. Please, read this thread whole and you will see the point. I know it's too long, but it's necessary to find the right point of HRE vs. Germany here.

Takeda Shingen
02-04-2004, 13:18
Originally posted by timurlenk
yes. i did not buy mtw!!!
(EDIT: well, "germany" was not the reason.)

and im yours! lets encourage ourselves with some pilsener :cheers: and meet our enemys on the field of glory!
in honorem Dei et in honorem sacri imperii romani!



02-04-2004, 17:50
Originally posted by Takeda Shingen


i dont like the battles. ive tried the demo two times, but i cant "feel into the game". maybe one reason is, that i dont like 3d in strategy games.

so im waiting for koh, which is made in exquisite 2d... :cheers:
well, it would be a reason to buy mtw that they used "holy roman empire" as name instead of germany :D

p.s.: your shift lock key is defefect ;)

03-04-2004, 04:40
I voted for Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire.:go:

If it's a medival game it must has medival names. Game and knowledge don't disturb each other.

HRE had diferent frontier than Germany. Two diferent things like sun and moon. It's like compare nowday EEUU, with that land 1000 years ago.

Boleslaus the Great
03-04-2004, 13:44
Holy Roman Empire. If some younger American guys won't know what is it, let's educate them :)

03-04-2004, 15:36
Hmm... I thing that the holy roman empire would be right becouse german or teutonic tribe was comming from roman empire and that all happen in the time when happened great migration of people when many new tribes and nations born.
Sry, if my english not so good.