View Full Version : holy roman empire vs. germany
Kuno of Gersenau
10-05-2004, 18:16
I would say yes!;)
10-05-2004, 18:35
sorry i shall be more clearly on this
we have northern brabant in the netherlands :D
now i am completely right ;)
10-05-2004, 18:35
Original geschrieben von Kuno of Gersenau
I would say yes!;)
Thanks for the information!! :cheers:
P.S.: I've seen the post of timurlenk in the German forum
now... It's the same!! :eek: ;)
Originally posted by Finellach
Well if Brabant is in Belgium then I don't know how you can be right. ;) My smart book about almost all european provinces and historical lands tells me:
Brabant is historical land divided today between the Netherlands and Belgium....smaller part is core of province Noord Brabant-area5108km2 (the Netherlands), bigger part is core of belgian state divided between provinces of Brabant(area 3358 ) and Antwerpen (Anvers, area 2867).
What does it mean?
Brabant is from smaller half in Holland(the Netherlands) and larger part is in Belgium. So, it IS in Belgium mainly, Finellach is right, but also in Holland, Shagrath is right. I have a map of historical Brabant(in 1180) in front of my eyes and believe me, almost half of Brabant is in Holland.
maybe we get an answer about the decision when e3 is over. but as frank wrote he has not ignored the voteing. :)
Now I see one another reason wy to have Germany instead of HolyRomanEmpire:
too long name
but, please. If possible at least little, don't put Germany at least to first two entry points. FOR ME it may destroy the fun. If MTW had no problem with having HolyRomanEmpire, why game of qualities of KoH should be worse?:rolleye:
EDIT: Yes, it is mentioned to have some kind of stronger lobby ;) but pleeeeaaaase, consider it :angel: please please, I'm like small child with forbidden toy. We wantssssss it, golom:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Elewyn
Now I see one another reason wy to have Germany instead of HolyRomanEmpire:
too long name
but, please. If possible at least little, don't put Germany at least to first two entry points. For me it may destroy the fun. If MTW had no problem with having HolyRomanEmpire, why game of qualities of KoH should be worse?:rolleye:
elewyn, come down,... destroying fun,... hey,... ;)
i think frujin and frank think and will think about a solution. and mybe there is your desired change to HRE and if not, there will bne some clever programming guys who can tell you how to change country names by yourself. at least some guys here have a desrie to mod the game.
@Elewyn - i know what HRE is, i am just saying that i would rather play as germany then HRE.
10-05-2004, 22:19
btw,i totally agree with elewyn,also i would rather play with the H.R.E because its historical realistic,and thats what i want and like!
so please,put the H.R.E in instead of germany
Ok, but what all those Austrians, Dutch, Belgians, Italians etc.? then why not call it BundesRepublikDeutchland? I don't mind it any more :(
11-05-2004, 00:45
peace peace peace !!!
its clear what forum wants (from demotcratic point of view). now its up to bss & sunflowers to make their decision.
obviously this hre thing is one that many people dont see as "fun over accuracy".
BUT it will not help to make war here and discuss it again and again (hmm, i cant hardly withstand myself ;) )
let the devs make their decision - so then we can mob them :D
Originally posted by Elewyn
Ok, but what all those Austrians, Dutch, Belgians, Italians etc.? then why not call it BundesRepublikDeutchland? I don't mind it any more :(
sorry, austria, belgium and netherlands (dutch) are not takeing part of bundesrepuplik deutschland. our little brothers the austrians have the bundesrepublik österreich. means we have the same form of government. the presindent is the highest position of the state, but the boss of government is the kanzler.
so by us it is gerhard schröder and in austria it is wolfgang schüssel
even in the europena kingdoms the prime minister is the boss of the governemnt, not the queen or the king.
i just say it, just in case that some guy from other continnents here thinik austria is part of germany ;)
11-05-2004, 14:28
Bora: In fact this issue ("Austria isn't in the Federal Republic of Germany") is Elewyn's point. If you call the HRE (including the Netherlands) "Germany" you might just as well call Italy Federal Republic of Germany.
11-05-2004, 15:35
Originally posted by Bora
... our little brothers the austrians have the bundesrepublik österreich. means we have the same form of government....
little brothers???
interesting, your point of view. :bday: i prefer older brother :cheers:
Yes, Angryminer is right. Damn, I'm not so silly to think Austria is part of FRoG (btw, nice abreviation, isn't it? :))
I meant if Germany+Netherlands+Belgium+Italy+Switzerland+Aust ria+parts of France (so simply HRE :)) is called Germany, it can be called Federal Republic of Germany and it will be the same (only a longer name, even longer than HolyRomanEmpire :))
Huang Di
14-05-2004, 11:05
My vote is on HRE since its a more accurate name as Germany dont exist by itself during medival times. "Yes, fun is over accuracy in KoH, but if inacuracy kills fun, I am aggainst it."
Originally posted by Angryminer
Bora: In fact this issue ("Austria isn't in the Federal Republic of Germany") is Elewyn's point. If you call the HRE (including the Netherlands) "Germany" you might just as well call Italy Federal Republic of Germany.
yes, but i am talking about todays situation,... and as i know also italy is a republik like germany and austria.
byt he way the "frog"-thing is funny, never thought about it :D
14-05-2004, 18:33
What? There will be Germany in the game instead of HRE?
Am I right? I wasnt around so I am a little messed up now with the 'news'.
This is a big error, but there are more, example the Hungarian Kingdom's capital will be Budapest. Eh..:rolleyes:
Budapest was "founded" in the XIX. century from Buda and Pest. :rolleyes:
14-05-2004, 18:44
we know its an error, thats we are fighting for...
btw, afaik (glllll, all this abbr. :D ) frujin once told, that this buda - pest thing will be fixed correctly. i hope, they did not forget it.
14-05-2004, 18:47
Originally posted by Gorgoroth
...the Hungarian Kingdom's capital will be Budapest. Eh..:rolleyes:
Budapest was "founded" in the XIX. century from Buda and Pest. :rolleyes:
Hehe...they put Zagreb also in one of the screenshot which is funny because Zagreb(Agram in German) didn't existed until 19th century when the two largest settlements(Kaptol and Gradec) merged with each other and some few neighbouring villages. There was Gradec though. Gradec was proclaimed 'Free Royal Town' by Hungarian-Croatian King Bela IV. In 13th century on the area of Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom there were invading Tataric forces, King Bela succeeded to run away while travelling and took refuge in the town of Gradec where he organized a defence. As a sign of gratitute he proclaimed it in 1242. Free Royal Town(Slobdni Kraljevski Grad).
It's funny though. :D
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